3. Yes, Father

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New update already! :) Happy Fourtris day by the way <3



"Are you ready?" Father declares, setting his hand on my shoulder.

I wanted it off. His hand was rough, and it felt as if a sharp blade was being prod in my shoulder.

"Y-yes," I choke out "I'm ready father."

I was still so undecided. The idea of leaving him seemed so dishonest. So wrong. But so right.

I was tired of the way he treated me. I wanted to be able go through at least a week without being whipped or beaten.

His voice echoed through my head, pounding. It was like my head was throbbing, shattering into a million pieces.

This is for your own good!
This is for your own good!

It was right then and there when I decide that I might betray him.

It's not like it would change the relationship between us anyway. He was no father to me. He was a fake evil man, who had betrayed me a thousand times before.

This would be just the beginning.


The porcelain floor tiles made a keen tapping notice as father and I walked across it.

"You know what your choosing right?" He ask, his voice already gruff and on edge.

"Yes, father," I weakly respond.

This would be my only chance. My only way to escape him.

Would I take it? Would I leave it?

"This way," he instructs me, as I follow him like a lost puppy.

I had taken the faction tests yesterday, and of course the results were abnegation. He told me what to do and exactly how to get those results. There was no way I could escape that.

"I have to say the annual speech upon the stage," father explains "But you just go and sit in the Abnegation section of seats. Save me one and I'll be there shortly."

I nod my head in agreement.

If I did leave, what faction would I choose?

I couldn't deal with smart mouths, Erudite was to stern and smart, Amity was too cheerful and upbeat.

And that left Dauntless.

I didn't necessarily have a problem with them, I actually seems to be interested by their ways of living.

But there was also a sense of fear, and worry. I don't know if I would hardly pass the initiation. It has to be somewhat difficult to pass.

I hear names being called out. I hadn't even listened to fathers speech. I was to consumed by my own worries.

At the time that I least expected it, my name was called. It grew quiet. Like my name was a bullet, striding through air and whispering, Tobias Eaton

This is it.
This is my opportunity to be able to make the choice. To be able escape the dark shadows of my father.


Yeah, I know I added a little cliff hanger ;) It's not huge though, because you guys probably already know what he's going to choose. It's pretty obvious lol. I hope you guys liked this chapter. I tried to write it as well as possible, adding some descriptive techniques. Tobias is almost like a different character when you are writing before he met Tris. Tris changed his life so much. Agghh Fourtris feels.
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Xoxo, hx7680

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