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I know it's not anywhere near Christmas, but this idea that I had was to cute to pass up!

Castiel could hardly contain himself. Tomorrow was his first Christmas as an official human, and he was practically bursting with excitement. 

He had gotten Sam a plush moose, and Dean... He had decided to give him something special. They had been dating a while, and he wanted it to be the best Christmas Dean had ever experienced.

"Cas! You excited for tomorrow?" Dean asked, breaking him away from his thoughts.

"Is that even a question?!" Cas exclaimed, leaping into Dean's outstretched arms. 

"I'll take that as a yes!" Dean said, kissing Castiel on the forehead before gently setting him on the ground. 


At exactly 7:00 A.M., before anyone else would think of getting up, Castiel shot out of bed, and quickly got dressed to get the supplies for Dean's present.

After getting the supplies, Castiel began. After three failed bakes later, Castiel made the perfect pecan pie. 

Soft and warm, it smelled and looked wonderful.

After smiling at his accomplishment, he ran around, hitting a pot and pan against each other, waking up the Winchester brothers.

Both emerged, grumbling under their breath and shooting glares at Cas, who was grinning like an idiot. 

"Cas, why the hell  do you think it's okay to do that?" Dean huffed.

"IT'S CHRISTMAS!" shouted Castiel in reply.

Dean rolled his eyes and pulled him into a hug. Sam still didn't look happy about the abrupt wakening.

Cas handed Sam his gift, messily wrapped in dark blue wrapping paper with large, smiling snowmen on it. Sam opened it, holding up the plushie, giving Castiel the best bitch face he could muster before he broke out in a grin.

"Are you... Unamoosed?" Dean asked, doubling over in silent laughter.

"Do you like it?" Cas asked hopefully.

"Yes! Thank you Cas!" Sam said, elbowing Dean.

As they finished exchanging gifts, Castiel took hold of Dean's hand, dragging him into the kitchen.

Dean immediately brightened, smelling the wonderful aroma of fresh pie. 

"Cas, did you make this?!" Dean shouted gleefully, already getting out a plate and fork.

"Yup! I made it this morning so it'd be fresh," Castiel replied, feeling quite proud of himself. 

Dean swooped him up, planting a kiss on his lips before getting a piece of pie, and hungrily eating it.

Sam appeared, taking a small slice, and they all enjoyed the time together, and they all agreed this was indeed the best Christmas yet.


Hey guys! Another Destiel story for you. I'm really sorry it's so short, I just wanted to do something short and sweet. But, I'm going to publish another one so it'd make up for this one being so short. Hope you enjoy,


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