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Dean woke up to sniffling and coughing. He turned around in the bed, looking fondly at Castiel before he realized something.

Castiel was sick.

Dean got up, trying to be quiet to let Cas get some rest. He went to the medicine cabinet to get something to make Castiel feel better when he woke up. He prepared some frozen chicken noodle soup that he kept for when either he or Sam got sick. Soon he heard feet coming out of the bedroom, with groans accompanying it.

"Dean, I think I'm dying," Castiel said.

"You big baby, you just have a cold."

"A what?" Castiel asked, tipping his head with curiosity, making him look adorable.

"Humans get sick. They cough, sniffle, and overall feel dreadful," Dean explained.

"Oh. What's that smell? It smells really good," Castiel asked after receiving a diagnosis.

"Homemade chicken noodle soup. It makes you feel better," Dean said proudly, presenting Castiel a bowl of steaming soup. He took the spoon, dipping it into the soup, then taking a sip. His face relaxed, with a look of utter bliss crossed over it.

"This is delicious!" Castiel exclaimed before taking another gulp. 

"I knew you'd like it," Dean said with a grin, before getting a call on his phone. He answered it, every so often saying "Yeah, sure", "Just me?" and "Fine. I'll be there." Then he turned it off, and turned to Castiel.

"Cas, Sammy has a job, and needs my help on it. I don't want you to come with us, you need your rest. I'm gonna have to leave you alone for about 5 days," Dean said.

"But how will I fend for myself in such a weak, vulnerable state?!" Cas cried. Suddenly a spark when off in Dean's mind. He had a laptop that wasn't infected from some virus from a porn blog, because he didn't need a laptop for "pleasure" anymore. Castiel had solved that problem.

"Here! I'll pull up Netflix, and you can watch some TV shows while we're gone! I'll show you how to work it, and you can watch Dr. Sexy M.D. or some other TV show!" Dean said, turning on the old laptop.

"But I'll be all alooonnneee," Cas whined.

"I know, but you'll have a laptop to serve your every need. And we'll talk every day. I can make some more soup for you, so all you have to do is heat it up," Dean said, already making a list on a sticky note for the supplies he'll need to make fresh chicken noodle soup. 

So Dean went to the grocery store, and made fresh chicken noodle soup for Castiel, instructing him how to clean it up, as well as work Netflix to entertain himself. Dean kissed him, and pressed their foreheads against each other.

"I'll call every day, okay?"


"I love you," Dean said, waving as he left.

"Love you, too!" Cas called before he began his long 5 days alone. 


Castiel had been binge watching Doctor Who, not bothering to watch Dr. Sexy M.D. without Dean. He had gone through all of season 1 and 2, crying hysterically when the 9th Doctor regenerates. Then he gets happy, because he loves David Tennant WAY better than Christopher. Then he got hungry, scavenging in the fridge, trying to find the chicken noodle soup to heat up. He then watched seasons 3 and 4, before getting ice cream, and then falling asleep, drooling slightly into the ice cream.

The next morning, he woke with a start. The phone was ringing, and on the screen it said Dean. He answered the phone.


"Hi my little angel. How was the first day?"

"Uneventful. I've watched Seasons 1, 2, 3, and 4 of Doctor Who, and I ate some leftover ice cream." 

Castiel could hear chuckling on the other side of the phone.                                                                                      

"That's great, Cas! Did you have any soup?"

"Yup! It was really good, 'It warms the soul'," Cas quoted. He wasn't really sure where it came from, but he knew that multiple people thought that chicken noodle soup warmed the soul.

"I'm glad you think so. I think we'll be home in about 3 days, not as quite as long as I expected."

"Good to hear it!"

"Well, I gotta go. I can feel the moose smirking behind my back. Love you," Dean said.

"Love you," Cas said before hanging up the phone. Back to Doctor Who.  

That was how it went for the next couple of days, watching Doctor Who, eating soup and ice cream, until Castiel had finished Doctor Who. He screamed over and over, tears streaming down his face as he mourned for the TV show that wasn't finished yet. How could they do this to him? He mourned for his loss for about 10 minutes before he got up to make more chicken noodle soup before surfing Netflix for TV shows that caught his interest. After a while, he came across Sherlock. So that occupied his mind for the rest of the time the two Winchester brothers were gone.

When the two came home, Castiel sat up, blurry-eyed and tired.

"Hey Cas!" Dean said, running over to give the ex-angel a hug.

"Hello, Dean and Sam," Castiel replied hollowly, still feeling broken after Doctor Who.

"You alright?" Dean asked, looking at Castiel's face with worry.

"Doctor Who wasn't finished! They just left me, stranded!" Castiel said.

Sam snorted and set his bag down.

"Dude, it's not the end of the world. They'll put another one out, and you'll be able to watch it eventually. And besides, it's just a TV show," Sam said.

"Just a TV show? JUST A TV SHOW?" Castiel screamed.

"Cas, calm down!" Dean said.

After calming Castiel down, Dean offered to watch the whole show again with Castiel. Cas happily obliged, setting it up, before he heard sniffling.

"Dean, are you getting a cold?"


Hey guys, just wanted to do a quick one shot. I don't really like it because I feel it's to boring, but I needed to put something out and I thought it was acceptable because I feel like shit and all I want to do is curl up in a ball, and this was the best I could do feeling like a piece of poop. Hope you enjoy,


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