Enough is Enough *Trigger Warning*

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PLEASE READ! Okay, so this isn't fluffy. I feel pretty shitty. This isn't funny or sweet, it's just downright sad, in my opinion. Sorry, but it's just the best I can do. ALSO,  SELF HARMING IS NOT COOL. DON'T DO IT, AND PLEASE STAY STRONG. IT MIGHT NOT SEEM LIKE IT, BUT IT GETS BETTER.

Dean covered his face with his hands. How could Cas have left him like this? He couldn't function, he couldn't work. This isn't how he wanted to live. In fact, Cas was the only reason he wanted to live, besides Sammy. But now, even Sam didn't need him.


Dean knocked on the door.

"Cas, it's me."

He heard shuffling coming near the door, and then he saw Castiel slowly opening the door. Dean smiled.

"Hey sunshine. How come you called? It's not that I minded, it was just sudden," Dean said, kissing Cas gently.

"I did it again," Cas whispered, lifting up his sleeve. When he did, Dean gasped. They were gashes all of his slim arm. Old and new scars mingled on his arm.

"Shhh, it's okay. I've got you," Dean murmured, hugging Cas, then releasing him to get the first aid kit located in the small medicine cabinet in Cas' bathroom.

He returned, holding it tightly, as if it was something grounding him to earth.

"Alright, lift the sleeves again," Dean commanded.

Cas obeyed reluctantly.

While Dean treated the wounds, Castiel was crying, dripping warm salty tears all of himself and the floor.

When Dean was done, he guided Cas to the couch and sat him down gently, then wrapping his arms around him comfortingly, just like he always did. Castiel had been cutting all throughout their relationship, because people had beat him up in alleyways, homophobic parents, as well as being beaten by his brother, Michael. Dean had tried to help him, but some people carry a such a tough burden. Dean himself had once done it, but had been clean for about a year.

"It'll be alright. Just focus on the now. We're together and we're still fighting, and when we fall down, we jump back up, guns blazing."

Cas nodded, focusing on Dean's calming heartbeat.

"I love you," Dean breathed.

"I love you, too," Cas responded.

~Flashback over~

That was 3 months ago.

It was 2 months ago that Castiel had taken his own life.

Why had he done it?

Because it all got to be to much.

The medications, the bullies, the parents, and then finally, the rape.

He was shoved in a dauntingly familiar alleyway, and was raped.

Dean could do nothing to save him. By the time he had called 9-1-1, Cas had already gone. Dean went to the funeral, wearing a sleek black suit, with the blue tie that Castiel had favored. He greeted Castiel's mother and father, wanting to bash their heads in for what they had done to his Cas.

But he didn't.

He just stood there quietly, as stiff and silent as a stone, but all of the thoughts brewing in his head were loud and jerky. He just wanted to scream for as long as he could, to have his Cas, his angel, his everything, to come back and join him.

When he came home, he was greeted by solemn faces that could do nothing to lift his spirits. After a while though, Sam left for his beloved Stanford, unable to do anything for Dean, who had fallen into a deep depression, and leaning on alcohol to get him through the days. He had turned into his father. A drunk, depressed thing that was once human, but what he became, that wasn't human. Humans laugh, cry and scream. Dean was hollow. No emotions, just... Just nothing.

Until now.

He quit alcohol, and turned to medication and cutting.

Nothing helped.

And it was the end. He didn't want to live anymore. He wanted to join Cas, wherever he was. So he took out his trusty gun that he kept under his mattress. He put it to his head, and squeezed his eyes shut.



Hey guys. Hope you liked this one shot, even though it's really sad. Just wasn't in the mood for something happy, and just thought I should up date, y'know? Well, enjoy my hedgehogs,


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