Pickup Lines

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Dean had been trying out all types of pick up lines on Cas ever since they got engaged. Most of them were corny, others were just plain stupid, but there were some good ones, but those were few and far between.

While Cas was taking out the garbage, Dean stood at the doorway, smiling creepily. Cas rolled his eyes and steeled himself for the incoming pickup line.

"Are you an overdue book? Because you've got FINE written all over you," Dean said, and winking to add the finishing touch.

"That doesn't even make sense!" Cas exclaimed, though was unable to hide his smile.

Dean shrugged, and together they went in, getting ready to watch a movie then hit the sack. All throughout the movie, Dean kept writing pickup lines on sticky notes and sticking it all over Castiel. Castiel turned to glare at him after he had around 20 sticky notes on them, smacking him upside the head.

Dean laughed, and then playfully pushed Cas against the couch, and let's just say they didn't remember the rest of the movie the next morning.

Splayed across the couch next morning, Cas found himself completely enveloped in sticky notes. He stood up and wrapped a blanket against himself, then shook himself off, ridding himself of the majority of the sticky notes. He stomped into the bedroom and put some clothes on, then marched to the kitchen, watching his fiance cook breakfast.

"You have to stop smothering me with these terrible sticky notes," Cas said.

"Why? It's funny," Dean said, turning to look at Cas, a smile playing at his lips.

"I'm going to murder you," Cas threatened.

Dean laughed, then served himself bacon and eggs while Castiel decided upon cereal. Throughout breakfast, there were no pickup lines, and Cas knew that it was to good to be true. He stalked around the house, making sure the walls didn't have Dean's new favorite pickup line, "Are you a whistle? Because I want to blow you", written across it.

When he discovered that his side of the bed, his clothes, and even his socks had sticky notes lodged inside of them, he knew it was time to settle the scores. Cas trudged into the kitchen, ready to attack Dean.

"Did it hurt?" Cas asked.

"Let me guess, when I fell from heaven."


"Then what?"

Cas grinned. "When you fell for me."

Dean raised his eyebrows, and nodded his approval.

"Yeah, it was like hell and back."

Cas rolled his eyes and sighed dramatically. "Stop using the trashy pickup lines."

"Ergh, fine. You still have to retrieve all of the sticky notes that I've hidden anywhere," Dean said, grinning deviously.

"You fucker."


What do ya think? I'm just going to start writing really short, fluffy one-shots every so often, because they're better than my really shitty ones that I've put on here before. Hopefully since they're so short, I can post more, but I have 2 other stories I have to continue, and it's hard to post  consistently. Anyways, enjoy my lovely hedgehogs.

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