Mario Kart

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Recently, Dean and Cas had been completely OBSESSED with Mario Kart. In fact, they were so completely obsessed with it that they had a scoreboard, seeing what place they took in while competing.

So far, Dean was in the lead with 178 wins, and with Cas in a close second with 175, and they had spent days playing it, throughout the night. Forget sex, forget cuddling, forget everything. This was war.

Sam and Gabe had noticed this addiction, and was slightly frightened by it. When they weren't playing, they were shooting glares at each other, mouthing "game on" and tried to look threatening.

"I'm gonna fuckin' kill you," Dean threatened, pointing to Cas with a spoon during dinner in the shared apartment that Dean, Cas, Sam, and Gabe lived in, since Dean and Gabe were in between jobs and the couples couldn't afford an apartment on their own.

"You wish," Cas retorted, and held up a plastic knife and waving it around wildly. Gabe laughed, but tried covering it with a cough, but to no avail.

"What, Gabe? What? You wanna try and beat me? You'd suck," Cas said, turning to point at Gabe.

Gabe put his hands up defensively. "Woah, woah, calm down, dude."

"That's what I thought," Cas said smugly.

Dean and Cas finished their meal in record time, charging towards their shared bedroom, and already were setting it up.

This went on for way too long, but it finally finished when Gabe was sick and tired of it. While the pair were out shopping (unwillingly), Gabe got out a baseball and took out the disk and smashed it to tiny pieces, abruptly stopping the war.

When they got home, they were already dropping that bags and shooting past Sam and Gabe, ignoring the questions like, "how was it?" or "did you find everything?" and already sat in their regular seats, until they realized that there were shards of their beloved Mario Kart laying in pieces before them.

"THE FUCK IS THIS?" Dean screamed, storming out with Cas close behind, looking like he was about to kill someone, clutching the controller tightly his knuckles were white, and you could visibly see him shaking in anger.

"We got rid of Mario Kart," Gabe said calmly behind Sam, who was looking very frightened, and was holding a knife for his own protection, even though everyone knew that both Dean and Cas could easily flick it away like nothing.

Dean looked at Cas, and they gave a tiny nod to each other, and charged at the very scared moose and the trickster. Dean bowled Sam over and took him to the ground, but Sam was was a very desperate moose and overthrew him, and they scuffled on the ground.

Meanwhile, Cas and Gabe tussled on the ground, until Cas bit Gabriel. Gabe let out an injured cry, and gave up trying to fight back. Cas was too angry to even try and retaliate.

"WE'RE SORRY! WE'RE SORRY!" Gabe cried, until Cas finally got off and muttered, "You better have learned your lesson. DON'T touch Mario Kart." with such venom that it made Gabe shiver.

Dean got off of Sam, and looked at Cas sorrowfully.

"Let's begin the burial," he said, and the two took off, grabbing the shards and sat before the trashcan and said a few meaningful words before dumping them in the trash and trudging back to bed, unwilling to say anything to either Sam or Gabe.

A couple of days later, it seemed that Dean and Cas were over their addiction, even giving each other occasional kisses and fond looks.

One night, about a week later since the Mario Kart incident, he heard this noises: "YESSSS!" "OH YEAH!" accompanied by moans. He thought they were finally over it and were doing the frickle frackle after so long.

Turns out, they had bought Mario Kart again.


Here's my last one shot this one shot thing! Before you guys get angry, I'M GONNA MAKE A NEW BOOK/THING for better one shots, because we all know that the early ones are really bad. So have a wonderful day and PLEASE look out for a new one shot book soon if you like this one!


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