Power Outage

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  Rain thundered on Dean and Cas' small house. While they were in bed, reading one thing or another, the lights shut off, leaving them in utter darkness, making Cas terrified.

"Babe, calm down! We have flashlights, remember?" Dean asked, laughing at Cas' terror.

"THE VASHTA NERADA!" Castiel screamed. (Doctor Who reference, anyone? If you don't understand, go to the authors note for a quick explanation)

"Calm down! You're going to scare the kids!" Dean said, opening and closing drawers, looking for a flashlight. After stumbling blind around the house, he found one carelessly thrown in a drawer in the kitchen. He turned it on, and returned to the bedroom, where he found Cas and the kids huddled in the bed, looking absolutely petrified.

"Okay, kids, who wants to build a fort and wait this storm out?" Dean said enthusiastically.

"YEAH!" They screamed, jumping up and down on the bed.

"Don't squish my legs!" Cas protested, and Dean came over and kissed him on the forehead.

"Sam, Charlie, don't squish Dad's legs!" Dean said, lifting them off the bed.

"Why don't we head to the living room so Dad and I can set it up?" Cas asked, getting out of bed.

"YEAH!" They yelled, shooting out of the room, and they heard them bumbling in the dark, trying to feel their way to the living room.

"Be careful!" Dean called after them, getting the laptop and grabbing some movies.

Cas took out his phone and used that as a flashlight (The idea of that hadn't occurred to them until that minute), and went after the kids, helping them get set up.

"Okay, let's go get those battery powered lights from your room," Cas said, setting out for the kids shared bedroom. They followed him there, and began taking down the lights while Castiel shined the flashlight. so they could see what they were doing.

Dean went into the living room and built the fort. They strung the lights around, and it was absolutely perfect.

"Alright, crawl in, and we'll get started watching movies," Cas said, pushing them into the tent. When they were all situated, they watched movies for hours, until the kid's eyes drooped, and they fell asleep in Dean and Cas' laps.

Dean kissed Castiel, and together they set out for bed, leaving the kids in a peaceful slumber.


EXPLANATION: Vashta Nerada are creatures that are from Doctor Who, and they are shadows/live in shadows, and if you get infected by them, you have two shadows, and you die. For more info, google it. I'm terrible at explaining.

Okay, what do you guys think? Just a quickie quickie oneshot, I hope you like it. It's pretty fluffy, if I do say so myself. I hope you guys enjoy it, and I really want your opinions! 

So if you can, please leave your opinions in the comments! Hope you enjoy my hedgehogs,


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