The Artist and his photographer part 1

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Here's a little backstory. Dean is an artist working at a cafe to earn money, and Castiel is a photographer trying to submit his work into a contest, but the catch is that it has to be something to represent the town's history.

Castiel was going crazy. He didn't know what he was going to submit for the photography contest that was due in 2 weeks. He plunked himself onto a seat down at a cafe that he had been going to regularly. He ran his hand through his hair, trying to think until a handsome waiter came to take his order.

"The usual?" The stranger asked. Castiel looked up and saw a man that had bright forest green eyes, sandy hair, and he had freckles. He was HOT. 

Castiel was openly gay, not really caring who knew.

"Yup. But could I get a blueberry scone on the side?"

"Sure thing."

"Thanks Dean," Castiel said, pointing at the name tag pinned on the waiter's shirt.

"You're correct, my name is Dean. What's yours?" Dean asked.


"Nice to finally know your name, Cas."

"Same here, Dean."

After Castiel got his order, he continued researching things that had some kind of historical significance. But before he could find anything of interest, Dean sat in the chair across from him.

"Mind if I sit here?"

"Go right ahead," Cas replied.

"So, what are you working on?" Dean asked casually.

"Well, I'm a photographer, and I want to enter into a contest for the town's history."

"Cool! Photography always seemed fun, but I was shit at it," Dean replied.

"Well, not everyone is good at everything. Hey, do you know any places that might represent the town's history?" Castiel asked.

"Yeah. It's this old building that got burned down a long time ago. I actually lived in the building when the fire happened. I was four," Dean said.

"Really? Maybe you could show it to me sometime."

"Sure! Here's my number," Dean said, scribbling his number on the napkin.

*Couple of days later*

Dean got a ring on his phone. He answered it with a hesitant hello, unsure of who was calling.

"Hey... It's Castiel, from the cafe?"

"Oh, yeah, hiya Cas! Whatcha need?"

"I was wondering if you could take me to that building you were talking about.I running out of time, and the only picture I have taken was of an old brick.

Dean chuckled.

"Sure thing. What's your address?" Dean asked.

"It's 1932 Oak street," Cas answered.

"Alright. See you in ten."

After Dean picked him up, they drove in silence until Dean pulled up in front of the final destination.

"Holy shit man, this must have been a bad fire," Castiel said, looking in awe at the burnt building.

"Yeah. Lot's of people died," Dean replied.

"Anyone you knew?" Castiel asked.

"Yeah. My mom," Dean said, sadness filling him.

"Oh, I'm really sorry!" Castiel said sympathetically.

"It's alright. I was only 4, and my brother, Sammy, was only 6 months," Dean said, shrugging to conceal the pain of the loss.

"Anyways, I'd better start taking pictures," Castiel said quickly, changing the subject.

"So... Do you have a girlfriend?"

"Nope. I'm as single and gay as they come."

"Oh, cool. I'm bi and single, as well," Dean said, a thought running through his mind.

He's hot. 

Dean shivered, not denying the tiny voice in his brain. His messy hair, bright blue eyes, he was pretty gorgeous. Little did he know, Castiel was thinking the almost exact same thing about Dean. 

Once Castiel had taken plenty of pictures, the pair walked around a bit, getting to know each other. Castiel learned that Dean was a struggling painter (hence the job at the cafe), called his '67 Chevy Impala "Baby", love classic rock, grew up alone with his younger brother, Sam, who had mentioned before, because his dad was gone months at a time, so they had to learn to fend for themselves. In turn, Dean learned that Castiel loves bees, loves his big beige trench coat, has 4 brothers and sisters, including Michael, Lucifer, and Gabriel, who were all named after angels  because their parents were religious nuts. After talking and walking for a while, Dean suggested that they go back to his apartment.

Castiel shrugged and said, "why not?"

"Wait, before I forget, I have a roommate named Charlie, and she's pretty hyper," Dean warned.

"Is she your girlfriend?" Castiel asked.

"No, she's hella gay," Dean replied, detecting a hint of jealousy in Castiel's voice.


So they made the short journey to Dean's apartment, and Dean opened the door like a gentleman.

"Ladies first," Dean said with a smirk.

"You assbutt."

"What kind of insult is that?" Dean retorted. 

"A damn good one," Castiel replied.

"Bitch, don't sass me."

After meeting Charlie, who was already mouthing, "I ship it" when Castiel's back was turned. Dean flipped her off and showed Castiel into his room, bringing out a couple of paintings.

"Holy shit man, those are AWESOME!"

"Thanks," Dean said shyly.

"These are really good," Castiel repeated.

"Thank you," Den said.

"No problem," Castiel replied.

After talking a while, Castiel decided it was time to go, and said goodbye to Dean Charlie, promising he'd text them both soon.


Castiel flopped on his bed, sighing with bliss. He had finally me the people that he wanted to hang out with a lot. Dean was the perfect specimen. He was hot, kin, artistic, funny, and just an overall good person. Charlie was hilarious, gay as hell, and awesome to hang out with. He couldn't wait to talk to Dean again, so he decided to go to the cafe tomorrow when Dean was on his shift.



Hey guys! Here's just a quick AU for today. Part 2 will be out tomorrow! I really appreciate all of the views I've gotten, so far I'm at 70! Thanks so much and I hope you enjoy,


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