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The day started as any other, though Cas had gotten up before Dean which was quite an accomplishment. Cas had just finished an article that he had been working on for the past week, then decided to surprise Dean with breakfast.

He went to the kitchen to get started, grabbing the supplies before something peculiar caught his eye.

A large, hairy spider.


There was an incoherent response, leading Castiel to scream louder yet.

"DEAAAAAAN!" Cas shrieked again.

Finally, he could hear Dean stomping down the stairs in obvious annoyance. "What the hell do you want? I was SLEEPING!" Dean asked groggily, rubbing his eyes and trying to smooth his wild hair.

"THERE'S A SPIDER!" Cas wailed, pointing to the counter.

"Oh Jesus Cas, it's just a spider. Hold on, I'll get a magazine," Dean said without even glancing in the direction of the spider.

Cas only whimpered, shaking like a chihuahua, unable to take his eyes off of the grotesque spider. Or at least, he thought it was grotesque.

Dean returned with a magazine in hand, putting his "I'm gonna fuckin' murder you spider" face on, and he marched forward, but stopped in his tracks when he finally looked at the spider. His "I'm gonna fuckin' murder you spider" quickly diminished, turning into one of "holy fuck, that's a big ass spider".

Cas looked at Dean expectantly. "Well?"

Dean gulped, and turned to look at Castiel with a sheepish look. "That's a really big spider."

"I know! That's why I called you! Kill it!" Cas exclaimed.

Dean tried to regain his "I'm gonna fuckin' murder you spider" face again, but he couldn't exactly do it, now trembling as much as Cas was.

"It's so big," Dean whispered, backing up a few steps.

All of a sudden, the spider darted off the counter and used it's spider web powers to gently fall to the ground, then hid in a shadowed area underneath the counter. The couple looked at each other, then scurried to get things to block the spider off so they could plan their next plan of action.

They barricaded the spider using numerous books and pillows, then sat back, admiring their work. In unspoken communication, Dean called Sam.

"Hey Sammy! How're ya doing? Well, Cas and I are okay, but we have a... situation. Y'know what, just come over here. Alright, see you then," Dean said, then hanging up.

Dean turned to Cas. "Sam is on his way."

Cas nodded, eyeing the spider suspiciously. "Good, that thing is freaking me out."

They both backed away from the spider, assuming that there was no way it could crawl out of the trap they had set up.

They tried their very best to rid the spider from their minds, but it was quickly proved to be impossible. Dean sighed and got up, just to make sure that the spider was there. He stooped down after unsuccessfully finding it by just glancing. He looked everywhere, but there was nothing.

The spider had escaped.


Cas let out an unmanly screech which he would deny later, jumping up onto the couch, looking wildly around for any sign of the man eating beast.

Dean sprinted over, hurling himself onto the couch, eyeing the floor. While he was looking around, he suddenly had a heart sinking thought.

They would have to leave the safety of the couch to answer the door.

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