The Artist and his photographer part 2

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Sorry that this is kinda short! I didn't have much time to finish it, so here it is!

Castiel walked into the cafe, looking around, trying to spot dean. When he did, he quickly walked over, greeting him before sitting down. When Dean was off his break, he sat down next to Castiel. 

"Hey Cas! How are you?" Dean said cheerfully.

"I'm fine, thank you. How are you?" 

"I'm good, just excited to see you again!"

 A blush started creeping up Castiel's neck.

"Same here," Castiel returned.

"Hey... I was wondering if you wanted to... Uh... Grab a drink?" Dean mumbled, looking extremely embarrassed.

"As a date?" Castiel, feeling a little brave.

"If you wanna," Dean said, returning to his flirty self.

"I'd like that," Castiel said, relishing the surprise and happiness crossing Dean's face.

"Well, when would you want to go on this date?"

"Tomorrow at 7 P.M.?"

"Fine with me."

After making the plans, they stood and talked to each other before Dean had to return to work, bidding farewell to Castiel, who was getting ready to go to work, a fast food restaurant named Oolala. So they both went to work, until they both got off. Dean got off first, texting Cas when he got home. Castiel returned the text about 3 hours later, just getting off of work.

(I couldn't think of a fast food restaurant name, I apologize. I know it's sad)


At 6 O'clock P.M., Dean was switching clothes constantly, trying to find something to wear, with help from Charlie.

"If I was straight, I wouldn't bang you," Charlie said bluntly when she saw a outfit she didn't like. Finally, he wore a black t-shirt with a leather jacket over it, feeling pretty impressed with himself.

"Okay, I was straight, I would definitely bang you," Charlie said, finally satisfied with the look.

"Thanks Charlie, you're the best," Dean said gratefully.

"No problem. Ooooh! The hot girl in the beanie texted me back!" Charlie squealed, running out of the room shouting, "Good luck!"

Meanwhile, Castiel was going on his own on how he should look. He decided on a a white button up shirt with a blue tie, wearing his beige trench coat. He sighed, looking in the mirror, deciding it was good enough before he sat on the couch, waiting to hear Dean's Impala. After a while, he heard a knock on the door and he answered it.

"Hey! You look really nice!" Dean said.

"Thanks, you too," Castiel replied shyly.

Dean refused to tell Castiel where they were going, but Castiel remembered the road they were going on. The same road they took when they were going to the burnt building a while ago. When they got there, they got out of the car, and Dean lead him right next to the building. 

"Tada!" Dean said, throwing up his arms to do jazz hands.

"Wow! This is really nice!" Castiel exclaimed, looking a a cooler, and some pie.

"Well, let's dig in, shall we?"

During the date, they talked and laughed a lot, telling each other funny stories about their childhood, but when they had finished off the last of the beers and pie, they looked around awkwardly.

"So what do you wanna talk about?" Castiel asked.

"How mighty fine you're looking tonight," Dean replied, winking.

"You looking pretty hot yourself."

As Castiel was saying this, the pair were leaning closer and closer until eventually they were hardly apart. Dean pressed his lips against Castiel's, and they kissed for a long while, eventually breaking away.

"That was really nice," Castiel said breathlessly.

"It tends to be when I'm here," Dean said, smirking.

"You just ruined the moment," Castiel huffed.


*7 months later*

Dean and Castiel held hands, swinging their arms up in the air, laughing. This was the happiest time of their lives. Castiel had recently moved in with Dean and Charlie, making him immensely happy. Dean had hit it big with a painting he did, which was a silhouette of an angel. He dedicated it to Castiel, always calling him his "little angel". Castiel didn't win the photography contest, but he came in third, but he didn't really care, though. He had all of the pictures hanging up, reminding the both of them how they met. They knew that they were meant to be with each other, like pieces of a puzzle.


Hello! Hope you enjoyed the last part of the AU that I did. I'm really sorry it's short, but I didn't have a lot of time, and I've been feeling down, and because I'm having friend troubles. If you have an idea that'd you like me to write, feel free to tell me! 90 views! Thank you so incredibly much, this means a lot to me. Hope you enjoy,


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