Clothes Troubles

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Dean glanced at the clock. How long can it take to change clothes? It really shouldn't take this long. 5 minutes at most. But 10? That's just crazy.

"Maybe he needs help. I should go in there," Dean murmured to himself. He decided to know on the door.

 "Cas, I'm coming in," Dean called, slowly opening the door. When he came in, there stood Cas, who had only undone 4 buttons on his shirt.

"C'mon on Cas, we've been over this," Dean sighed, coming over to help Cas undo the remaining buttons, because he obviously couldn't manage on his own.

 "I'm sorry Dean, but these stupid buttons won't come undone," Castiel replied. "It's alright. Maybe I can show you some techniques," Dean said, smirking.

 "I would like that," Castiel said, not realizing that Dean was flirting. After Dean had helped Cas unbutton his shirt and take it off, Dean made sure that Cas had the capabilities to take off his own pants. Thankfully, he did. When Cas returned, he thanked Dean and wandered off to bed, only to be awakened by Sam and Dean arguing.

"Just tell him, for fucks sake! He's told me that 'his stomach get's a tingling feeling around you' and he even told us that the two of you shared a 'profound bond'. If that isn't proof, then I don't know what is," Sam said. 

"Damn, you'd make one hell of a lawyer," Dean answered, desperately trying to change the subject, but to no avail. Sam wasn't having any of it.

"Don't you DARE try and change the subject. If you don't ask him out, then I'll do it for you," Sam threatened."You wouldn't!" Dean growled.

"Oh, I would."

"Fine. I'll do it tomorrow.""You'd better."

Castiel scurried back into his room, and shut the door. Was he excited to be asked out by the hunter that he had saved from hell and experienced purgatory? He thought he was, but he was still new to the emotions thing. 

~The next morning~

Dean talked briefly to Sam before pushing him out of the house, so he could ask out Cas. 

"So Cas... Have you ever gone on a date?" Dean asked casually.

"I haven't had any reason to," Cas replied.

"Well, there's a first for everything. Wanna go on a date?" Dean asked.

Castiel smiled like an idiot. He knew this was coming, but it didn't matter. Castiel would remember this forever.

"Dean Winchester, if I  dragged you from the bowels of hell, then I think I'd want to go on a date."


Hey guys! It's been forever since I've updated, so I whipped this up real quick, and that's why it's so short. I'm really sorry, I'll make another one  that's longer when I can. Also, please check out my Destiel AU! It would mean a lot! In the meantime, enjoy!


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