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Dedicated to my dear friend The_Void_Of_Man, that I always enjoy seeing and talking to, it's an honor to call you a friend. <3

Dean and Castiel walked down the street, holding hands. By now, they had grown deaf to the whispers and blind to the stares.

They headed into a bakery, wanting to enjoy some pie on their day off.

As they bought the pie and was making their way to sit down, someone bumped into them, tipping the plates out of their hands.

The plates shattered on the floor, and the person bent down, apologizing profusuly.

"I'm so so so sorry!" They repeated over and over again.

"It's alright. You didn't mean to," Castiel said, attempting to comfort the stranger.

"WHAT THE HELL?!" Dean bellowed.

"I'm really, really sorry! Let me make it up to you. I'll buy the same pie, as well as refund you the money," The stranger said, helping an employee pick up the broken shards and bits of pie.

"You'd better!" Dean said angrily, stooping down to help.

"Dean! Be nice!" Castiel said sharply.


"Because they obviously didn't mean to and they're offering to pay us back!"

"Fine," Dean said, not wanting to fight on their one day off.

The stranger stood up, finishing cleaning up the mess. They stuck out a hand.

"I'm Vincent, by the way."

Cas took the hand and firmly shook it.

"I'm Castiel, and this is my husband, Dean."

"It is a pleasure to meet you, despite the circumstances."

Both Dean and Cas nodded in agreement.

"Anyways, let's get you some pie!" Vincent said enthusiastically.

So, they bought pecan pie for Dean, apple for Cas, and blueberry for themselves.

"Do you mind if I sit with you guys?"

Dean and Castiel exchanged looks.

"Of course not!" Castiel said warmly and genuinely. 

"Thanks! As many, say, I'm the life of the party!"

"Oh, I'm sure," Dean remarked before wolfing down his pie.

"So... What do you do for fun?" Castiel asked, trying to start a pleasant conversation.

"I love to write a lot, and I LOVE to draw, as well as watch Hetalia and play a game called Undertale. What about you?"

"Well, I love bees," Cas said.

"I like to... Hunt."

"Poor animals!" Vincent exclaimed.

"I don't do it much anymore, I was forced to by my father."

"Oh. Well, do you guys come here often?" 

"When we have time. We usually move around a lot, but we've been here for about 2 months."

"Interesting! What brings you to Colorado?" 

"Business," Dean said. 

They had been hunting a group of vampires a couple miles from here, but he couldn't exactly tell them that.

"Cool! What do you do?"

"We uh...-"

"We're traveling salesmen together," Castiel interrupted.

"Well, we better get going," Dean said, not wishing to lie any longer.

"Alright. Again, I'm sorry. But it was nice meeting you guys!"

"Thanks, you too. Would you like to exchange numbers?"



Dean collapsed on the coach with a groan.

"So... Tired... Continue on without me," he said dramatically, muffled by the couch.

"It was an eventful day," Castiel agreed.

They sat down together, watching some cheesy movie.

"So what did you think of Vincent?" Castiel asked.

"I thought they were pretty interesting. After talking to them, I didn't really care about the pie," Dean said, not taking his eyes off the movie.

"I agree. They did seem quite pleasant, and I liked their energy. I want to get to know them more," Cas said, putting his head on Dean's shoulder.

"Well, maybe you could get a coffee with them or something. I'm sure they'd want to," Dean replied.

So the next day, Cas texted Vincent, casually asking if they'd broken any more plates. They responded immediately.

Nope, not yet.

Good! Maybe we could get drinks sometime?


So they met at a small cafe in the late afternoon the next day. And the day after that. And the day after that. But not the day after that. Castiel had work.

They soon became good friends, and they always took the chance to meet each other whenever they could squeeze it in.


Hey guys! I'm sorry this isn't really fluffy, I tried to but I failed. I hope you enjoyed anyways, 


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