I Told Myself I Wouldn't Fall For You; Sweeran

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Chapter Eight; Dust Off Your Highest Hopes.

"Hey, You and Ed should stop over tonight, having a little party."

I read the words on my phone, although it was blurry. I had just woken up, and my eyes were still adjusting.

"Ed." I rolled over, I always woke up before him.

He groaned and then opened his eyes, and smiled at me. "Well good morning love." He said, in his scruffy morning voice.

"Good morning love." I mocked his British accent. "So, are you doing anything tonight?" I asked.

"No, why, are you?" Ed asked.

"Well, Grant texted me asking if we wanted to go to his place, they're having a little party thing." I replied.

"Well if you wanna go, I'll go, I'm sure it'll be fun." Ed smiled.

"Awesome, I'll text him seeing what time he'd like us to come over." I said, reaching for my phone.

"I'm going to go take a shower, you find out what time we're heading over later." Ed said rolling over and standing up.

"Okay." I checked the time, we had slept in late, and it was now 11. My phone beeped with a message from Grant saying "Come over anytime after 1, and the party ends whenever."

Awesome, that gave Ed and I perfect time to get ready and head over, considering there was a thirty minute drive.


After both of us were showered and ready to go, we got in my car and began to drive. I had chosen a little black sundress and flat sandals to wear to the party. My hair was pulled back and I had brought sunglasses along as well. Ed wore a red T-shirt and black shorts. He had never been to Grant's place so this was a first. When we finally got there, people were already parked in the driveway, so I parallel parked on the side of the road, and we went out back to where we could hear everyone else.


When night came, and more people showed up to the party, we all sat around the fire talking about anything and everything. Everyone, including Ed was enjoying a few beers, and I had a small glass of wine, because I wasn't much for beer and I knew I would be driving home. Grant and Ed had become good friends due to the Red tour, and they were having quite an interesting conversation, considering Ed was drunk and didn't exactly know what he was talking about. I was just sitting back and laughing.

"I've got to take a piss mate." Ed stood up and stumbled inside. Everyone laughed as he struggled to find the entrance to Grant's house.

"So how are you guys going along?" Grant asked curiously.

"Really good. He's been staying at my place some nights and when we're in hotels we'll go to his place. He's really sweet and really amazing and-" I found myself rambling on and blushing at how well our relationship was going along.

"I'm really happy for you Taylor, I'm just glad he makes you so happy." Grant smiled.

"Yeah, I don't personally know you that well but earlier when you guys were hanging out, you truly seem happy together." One of Grant's friends complimented our relationship, causing me to smile like an idiot.

"Thank you so much guys." I continued to smile. "I should probably go make sure Ed's not passed out on the kitchen floor." I laughed and went inside, carrying my empty wine glass to put in the sink. When I stepped inside, thankfully Ed was not passed out on the floor.

"Ed?" I asked with no reply. The bathroom door was wide open and no one was in there. My first thought was that he possibly went out the front door and walked around the house back to the fire. My thoughts soon changed when I walked into the living room. My mind took a minute to process what I was seeing. It was Ed, sitting on Grant's couch, with a beer in his hands. His lips were pressed to some girl's lips, and his free hand was wrapped around her neck. He hasn't noticed I was in the room, and I just stood in the doorway in shock.

It all flooded back. Everything everyone had ever warned me about. Abigail telling me to be careful and to make sure I was sure of wanting to be his. Everyone warning me about if anything falls out that our friendship could be potentially ruined. Me thinking that would never happen. How we seemed to be the perfect couple. And the dream. The one where I lost Ed. It all flooded my mind, and I could fee tears fall down my face.

"How could you..." I whispered through tears. Ed turned to me and his mouth dropped open and he began to stand up.

"There's no point." I said as I began to run for the door. He tried grabbing my wrist to hold.me back but I pulled away and walked outside. I got in my car, leaving him with no way to get home. My eyes were foggy with tears as I sped down the road. I threw my phone in the passenger seat and I saw it light up with Ed's name and the message symbol. I ignored it and continued to drive as my worst nightmare became reality.

I Told Myself I Wouldn't Fall For You; SweeranWhere stories live. Discover now