A Drink Isn't Just A Drink

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I checked the clock in my car, 3:52. I still have about four hours before the "date" with Cas.. I just want to get this over with. I feel bad for toying with his feelings but I don't like guys, I'm not gay . I mean, I'll be his friend but nothing more, I'll never play for his team. Maybe I should get him earlier and we could drive around, get a drink, then crash Sam's party.. Yeah.

"Do you think I can come get you earlier or are we going with eight..?" I asked him, not really sure what I hope the answer to be. My phone vibrated. He called me instead of texting.

"Hello..?" I asked.

"Sorry for calling, I don't know why but my phone won't let me text, I can only read the messages. But it doesn't matter. If you did get me before eight, what would we do? We can't just drive around for hours..?" He asked, you could hear his confusion.

"We could get a few drinks and drive around.." I replied, again, not knowing what I'm hoping his answer will be.

"That'd be fine, what time would you be getting me?" I felt bad, he sounded really excited. I rubbed the back of my neck and leaned back in the drivers seat.

"Uhm.. How does 6:30 sound?" Cas said that would be fine with excitement and we ended the call. I feel like Satan.


I hung up my phone and tried not to smile like a serial killer. I sighed long and loud. I layed back on my bed and closed my eyes. I feel like I'm too excited about this, it's just a drink, drive, and crashing a party.. What's the thrill.. I get to be with Dean Winchester. That's the only great thing.. I don't even know if he's being truthful about wanting to be friends, maybe he was just doing this to make up for the thing that happened at the bar. Yeah. But I don't want to ruin this opportunity to hang out with him by cancelling because of my worries. I think too much.  I decided to take a nap and wake up at five thirty. I set my alarm and drifted off.


I enterded the warehouse, lightning flashing behind me. Dean & Bobby were shooting at me, thinking that it would hurt me. I'm an angel, only an angel knife can kill me.

"Who are you?" Dean growled.

"I'm the one who gripped you tight and raised you from perdition." I said.

"Yeah. Thanks for that." Dean snarled back before stabbing me in the heart. I removed the blade from my chest and gave him that "seriously" look and blocked Bobby's swing. I placed my two fingers to his forehead and gently put him to sleep, Dean staring at me in disbelief.

"We need to talk, Dean.. Alone."


I sat up, bewildered by my dream. I always have dreams that I'm an angel of the Lord and Dean fights monsters. Monsters & angels aren't real.. I looked at the clock, 5:14. I was early. I got out of my tangled sheets and stood up.

"I need clothes.." I said, looking down at myself. I walked over to the closet and looked through. I finally settled on jeans and an old t-shirt. "This should be enough." I breathed and headed downstairs. Madisyn gave me a death stare, obviously still pissed. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to call you a street worker.. It's just.. I'm your older brother, I get protective when it comes to times like this." I said, looking down.

"Cas, I wasn't mad, I just wanted to here your defeated speech." I gave her that "really..? why are you soo manipulative?!" look.

"I'm hanging out with Dean in a bit, I'm excited." She looked at me and smiled like a crazed woman.

"CAS! YOU'RE GROWING UP! YOU'RE GOING ON A BIG BOY DATE WITH YOUR ONE TRUE LOOOOOVE!" She yelled, attacking me with a hug. I stumbled back.

"It's not a date, we're just getting to know each other." I said, obviously not meaning anything to her because next thing I know, she's singing.

"Dean and Cas, sittin' in a tree. HO-MO-SEX-UALITY." She chanted.

"Ok, can you not." I said, annoyed. I looked at my watch, 6:17. He's gonna be here in thirteen minutes! I grabbed a granola bar and chomped it down in nervousness. I heard his engine before the beep, said bye to Madisyn, and walked out of the door. I basically had a heart attack as I got in his car and said hey. He looked at me and said hey while smiling. I melted in my head. We headed down the street to the bar and went inside.

"So, what do you want to know about me..?" Dean asked. I looked away.

"Just the basics, I don't know." I replied.


I took a deep breath.

"Well, I live by myself and have a little brother and a father, my mom..." I looked down.

"I know how you feel, lost my twin brother and mom when I was 15.. Car accident.." I saw that he looked away from the corner of my eye. I heard about the crash, only the passanger in the other car survived. I placed my hand on his shoulder and gave him a half smile, hoping it would cheer him up. He smiled back at me and took a sip of his beer.

"So..." I started, unaware of what to ask. "What do you want to be after college..?" Cas shrugged.

"I don't know, I kind of want to be a writer or a marine biologist but I'm no good at writing and fish scare me.. What about you?" He asked.

"I never really think about that.. I'll probably just work on cars with my dad and Sam." I shrugged. That's all I really know how to do but I wasn't going to say that. I took the final sip from my beer and motioned for the waitress to get us another round. "You don't.. Care that I ordered you another one.. Right..?" I asked, awkwardly.

"Hah, no, it's fine, I was going to get another anyways, I'm done with mine." He laughed, holding up his bottle. I nodded and opened mine and took a sip. He looked at me, looking angry but in a joking way.

"What? Hah." I asked.

"You didn't do cheers." He said, laughing. I laughed even more and clinked my bottle to his.

*After a lot of awkward questions and enough beers to get them buzzed*

I staggered to the car, everything blurred. Cas got in a few seconds before I did. I started the car and pulled out of the driveway, heading down to the party. This should be fun..

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