Winter Wonderland

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(A/N Erm, I'm forwarding the story a little so it's at the winter break, trust me, you'll like it but you'll know when the transition is, not until the middle of this chapter. But in the later chapters, you'll get sad but then REALLY happy. Too much has been said. Enjoy)

Cas's POV

"Love you, too, Cas." Dean said before pulling me into a kiss. I could feel my heart begin to beat faster and all the heat go to my face. I moved my lips in sync as he pulled my chest to his, grip tightening behind my back. I ran my fingers through his hair then made my way to his neck. Dean's tongue slowly made his way into my mouth and fought for dominance with mine.


I woke up in Dean's embrace and looked over towards the clock on his wall. 6:37 pm. I sat up and headed towards the kitchen to make dinner for us. I searched through the fridge and gathered some leftover ham and canned vegetables. I put the ham in the over for ten minutes and the vegetables in the microwave for about five minutes. The smell must've woke Dean up because I jumped as I heard his voice.

"Whatcha making?" He grumbled, obviously still tired.

"Ham and veggies." I turned, smiling at him.

"I'll take the ham but no vegetables." He fake pouted. I turned away sassily.

"Fine, then no dessert." I said sarcastically. I heard him groan but quietly say fine. I smiled in success as I turned to take the veggies out of the microwave, cursing to myself as the hot bowl touched my skin. I hurriedly put them onto his counter and began putting them onto two plates I already put out. Just as I went to sit in the living room with Dean, the oven went off. I sighed and rolled my eyes as I got up, smirking at Dean's slight laugh. I got the ham out and put the already sliced pieces on mine and Dean's plates.

"It's ready." I called, I heard some shuffles before he came into the kitchen.

"Smells good." He practically drooled. I said thanks and handed him his plate. He smiled, sat down, and vacuumed his food into his mouth.

"I take it you're hungry.." I laughed. He looked up, pieces of ham sticking out of his mouth.

"Yes I am." He mumbled, mouth full of food. I laughed a little more and shook my head. He's so cute. I could feel my face redden as I started to blush. I immediately looked down and began eating. Well, he was right. It was good.

****Winter Break****

(a/n, told you you would know when the transition was. haha)

I jumped behind a snow bank as the snowball whizzed past my head.

"Missed me, Winchester!" I yelled while laughing. I scooped up some more snow and threw it towards him. I threw my arms up in triumph as it hit his shoulder.

"You're dead, Novak." Dean smirked, running towards me. I tried to run but it was no use, Dean had already tackled me into the snow. "Payback time." Dean growled as he put snow down my shirt.

"I'm gonna kill you!" I yelled, trying to get the snow out. Dean started laughing but stopped once he realized I wrestled him so I was hovering over him. I threw snow down his pants and smiled evilly as I ran away.

"You're gonna get it, Cas!" Dean shouted, sprinting towards me. I jerked to the left as he went to tackle me once again, realizing I was thankful Dean taught me football during the fall. "Get over here and kiss me." Dean pleaded, smirking.

"Nuh-uh, not falling for that one." I crossed my arms, smiling.

"Truce!" He shivered.

"Fine, but no tricks or you're going to have a dicksicle." I smirked. Dean's eyes widened as he started dying. I walked over to him. "You ok?" I asked.

"Oh my god, that was just, oh my god." He said before pulling me into a kiss. My face and core immediately warmed up in his embrace. "I love you, Cas." Dean whispered into my ear.

"I love you, too" I smiled, face turning into a tomato. He kissed my cheek.

"Now, back to our snowball fight?" I nodded before we both ran to our snow banks.


I scooped up some snow in my hand, packed it, and threw it towards Cas. I hit him right in the middle of his back.

"Score one for Dean!" I triumphantly yelled but stopped once a snowball hit my stomach. I looked over to where Cas was peeking his head up over his bank.

"Loser." He yelled before hiding back behind it. I felt my face turn red. This whole relationship thing was still so new to me. Especially with another man. I don't care what gender he is, he makes me happy.

"Come on, Dean, don't turn into a girl now." I said to myself before throwing another snowball towards Cas. I threw both my arms up as in to say war over and we both walked towards each other. "Want to go grab a beer from the bar?" I asked.

"Sure, I was getting cold anyway." Cas said. We both smiled at each other beofre walking towards the Impala.

(I told you that you would like this chapter, I just found it soo cute while I was thinking of it and was smiling like an idiot while typing it. I was thinking about putting Sam and Madisyn in this one but I was like no, there needs to be at least one realllllly cute chapter with just Dean and Cas. Oh my god, thank you for twenty votes on the last chapter! When I saw it, my day got better and I was in a really good mood for the rest of the day. I laughed harder than I should while I was typing "dicksicle", don't ask why, I don't even know. Thank you for still reading. I might update tomorrow or sometime during the week or just on weekends, don't know yet, depends on what I'm doing. I LOVE YOU ALL!! <3 c; )

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