Revealing The Truth

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*Sam's POV*

"Okay, they live here." I said, pointing towards Dean and Cas's house.

"Thanks." Madi said, leading me. She knocked at the door and it opened seconds later. "Hey Dean. Where's Cas?" She asked, calmly.

"Right in the living room. Come in." He said, obvious awkward around new people. She nodded and walked towards the couch.

"Hiya squirt." Cas smiled. I wish mine & Dean's sibling relationship was like theirs. Madisyn is super close to Cas but Dean is like an acquaintance. I bowed my head in silent sadness as my little angel put two of her fingers to the middle of Cas's forehead, healing him instantly.

"Good as new, fruit loop." She laughed. Cas glared at her but in a more sarcastic way.

"Everyone loves fruit loops." He sassed back. She burst out laughing. "But seriously, how do you do that healing thing? It's cool." Cas asked. Madisyn immediately stopped laughing and her eyes went wide.

"Um.." She stammered a little. She looked over towards Dean. "You might want to sit down." He cocked his head but complied. I heard her gulp & bite her bottom lip. I placed my hand on her shoulder to reassure her. I watched as she smirked and took a deep breath.


"I'm an angel of the Lord.." I saw as Cas's eyes went wide as did mine.

"There's no way.." He started. "My.. My little sister.. Is.. An angel...?" I put my arm around him to support him. Cas looked over at me, his eyes full of an expression I just couldn't make out.

"I'm the only one who knows besides her." Sam chimed in. I glared over at him.

"But you didn't tell her brother..?" I spat. He bowed his head. "Didn't you think it was important for you're brother do know..?" I asked Madisyn calmly. She narrowed her eyebrows.

"I thought he'd be more shocked, that's why I held it off. He took it better than I though. Sam already knew. I have no idea how though, that's what I'm trying to figure out." She calmly replied. Sam shot his head up.

"That was supposed to stay between us!" He snapped.

"Sam!" I barked. "Don't talk to her like that."

"Stop arguing.." Cas pleaded softly, I could feel my shoulders become less tense. "Madisyn, you could have told me before hand, you know I wouldn't have flipped out. I'm not dad. And what do you mean it was supposed to stay between you and my little sister? Why are you so guarded at the mention of you knowing before she told you..?" Cas sternly asked Sam. He glared over at him.

"It's not important. What's important is that you two know and Cas is better so why don't me and Madisyn leave?" He turned towards the door and grabbed Madi's wrist, slightly pulling.

"Why are you in such a hurry..?" Madisyn asked.

"Like I said, not important." And with that, they left. Cas sighed loudly.

"My sister's an angel.." He said, obviously still shaken up from it. I wrapped my arms around him as he cuddled close to me.

"It's weird but it suits her." I whispered. He nodded and looke up at me, smiling. I puckered my lips questionably, asking for a kiss. Cas sat up a little and connected his lips to mine. We moved our lips in sync for a minute before I pulled him onto my lap, wrapping my arms around his waist. He broke the kiss and placed his forehead against mine.

"I lo.." Cas started. "Never mind." He smiled a little.

"No, tell me." I smiled and held him tighter.

"It begins with 'l', ends with 'e' and has an 'o' and 'v' in the middle." He murmured quietly.

"Love.." I asked, cocking my head. He nodded slightly. "Love you, too, Cas." I whispered and kissed him again.

(Soooo now Cas knows that Madisyn's an angel. But Sam's so hostile and ruude. Hehe, I've decided to make this completely different from Supernatural but with some similarities. The part where Cas says "everyone love fruit loops" my mother came up with that so you can thank momma Linda for that. I litterally peed myself when I saw that the last chapter had 16 votes. Sixteen. Ohmygod thank you. Let's try to get twenty for this one! It's a lot but I know you'll be able to do it. I BELIEVEE IN YOUUUUUU!!" Haha, welp, I'm going to go. I'll tryy to update soon but not until the desired amount of votes. I LOVE YOU ALL!!! <3 c; )

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