4. WildCats are a Myth

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I've been standing in the bathroom for fifteen minutes, staring at this girl in front of me. The corners of her mouth are turned downward, even when I'm sure I'm trying to smile.

It's going to be okay, I remind myself. Try on a bigger smile. There we go, there's the Victoria we all know and love. Everyone is going to love you here. You're the lovely, kind Victoria Aspen that never says an unkind word to anyone and never talks back.

Well, that may be stretching it. Back to the fifties.

"Tori, what the hell is taking so long?" Alex calls from downstairs. He's right, we're going to be late.

I've been to so many schools over the years, but this one is different. I know that I'm going to have to be here for the next two years. There is no screwing this up, Vic. Everyone has to love you.

No pressure or anything.

I hear another exclamation from my airhead of a brother that I would rather not elaborate on.

"Oh, shush!" I cry, stumbling down each step on this godforsaken stairwell. Definitely no heels today, I clearly don't need any more encouragement.


Everybody now!

"Get in the car, we were supposed to be there ten minutes ago." He growls from the landing beside me. I almost jump out of my skin, clutching my chest. My goodness he knows how to lurk in the shadows. All broody-like.

"Very classy attire, Alexis." I tease, pointing out his near-to-pink coloured football jersey. It's a private joke we have... Well, used to have. Every time I want to insult him, I head straight for reliable old Alexis. Or Alexandra. It's almost as if men think women are inferior or something bizarre. That's what you get for wearing the stupid jersey every day of the week. It's like he's trying to prove something.



He narrows his eyes, which darken from their usual golden state. Oh yes, I almost forgot he hates me. Kidding, I just like to have my very life threatened and dangled in front of my nose.

I blow out my cheeks at his lack of response and head out the open door. Ashley bids me goodbye which I only hear when I'm already on the porch. "Bye, Ashley!" I pretty much scream back into the house.

Oh, crab nuggets.

That little girl from next door (the neighbours I haven't met) is staring at me, horrified. Oh God, she's crying.

"No, no no no no!" I call, shuffling toward her as she shrieks at abandons her tricycle on the lawn. Great. Now I'm the main feature of a little girl's nightmares.
God, all I did was shout. Has she never heard a person shout before? What's it like not knowing what your parents' screams sound like? Yeesh, what I'd give to know.

"Wow." I spin to find a smirking Alex, arms crossed across his stupid chest. "Good job."

"Your sarcasm isn't appreciated, Alexis."

Yep, just like that the smile is gone. Why, hello Alex that hates me! It's been so long!

"Get in the car."

I obey without argument.

"Hey, it's the summer sister!" A boy calls over the bonnet of Alex's sleek red sports car. Being the son of the man that handles money has its perks.

"Excuse me?" I snatch my bag from inside the car, swinging it on my shoulder to face a group of grinning idiots. Ah, yes. Alex's jock pals. And...

They're all staring at me. Looking at me like hungry dogs who have spotted a steak. Ew. Alex has his arms crossed like he's spotted a cat.

"It's Victoria." I smile hesitantly, more than slightly creeped out if I must confess. "Tori if you want."

"Nice to meet you Tori, I'm Austen." A boy with dark skin and darker hair strides up to me and gathers me in a bear hug. His pristine teeth glare in contrast to his complexion and let me tell you, he's grinning like a madman.

"Tori." I repeat, nodding. God, I'm an idiot.

"And how old are you, Tori?" Another slinks over. This one has incredibly pale skin and charcoal curls surrounding his thin face.

It's like I've seen all of these boys in another universe and somehow they changed in a million ways and none at all. "Stanley." I point to him, more of a question. He raises his eyebrows in mock flattery and puts a hand to his chest.

"Indeed." He throws a look over to the rest of the group, "See guys. Don't I always tell you I have a memorable face?"

The conversation is interrupted by a distant yelp in the parking lot.

"DYLAN!" A petite blonde storms about two hundred feet in four seconds. My eyes widen as she walks straight up to one of the bulkier jocks in the group and takes him by the collar. He looks petrified. Six foot, blonde and scared of a girl at least a grade below him and certainly a foot below him. 

"Dylan Michael Anderson!" She shouts, shaking him. "Where did you put my shoes?"

Glancing down, I see that she is, in fact, bare foot. That would explain the height difference. That's what Dylan gets for being a douchebag, I guess. She's still shouting at him and he is attempting to explain himself, but it appears that she is the queen of argumentation.

"I left them in your car!"

"Exactly: my car, Katherine."

Oh no, he didn't. She looks ready to break a fuse. Or a neck.

"Dylan Anderson, those were $300 heels!" And before he can retort, "I'm telling mom."

His eyes widen and the entire assembly of boys erupt in laughter they had obviously been containing. Even Alex is laughing. Austen and Stanley are trying to hold themselves upright with great struggle.

Huh. So I guess this girl isn't some oddly vocals hook-up after all. Satisfied with herself, she spins around to face me, beaming as if nothing had happened. "I'm Katherine Anderson. Head of the cheer squad and female representative of the student council." She shakes my hand and I'm pretty sure I have never felt more exposed to the elements in my life. This school is a jungle.

And there will be no singing and dancing Wildcats at Hansen High.


Hey guys! Me again! So, I've written a few chapters and the next one will be WHERE SH*T GOES DOWN! I'll probably update again today because I just can't help myself...

Picture of Alex up the top!

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