42. Ready or Not

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So, it didn't take long for the footballers to get over the loss of their game. Which they all completely blamed on Mason. Which they didn't realise was actually my fault.

Anyway, they all conveniently forgave him in time for his house party tonight. It's his birthday today, which no one has forgotten. And it turns out his birthday is one of the biggest events of the year.

And I haven't been invited.

Offended is an understatement. Practically everyone in the school has been talking about it. The boys are hyped to get the girls and the girls are hyped to get Mason. Apparently they think he's quite the catch, to reword their conversations politely.

And now, my invitation has been extended in the worst form – the 'plus one' concept.

"So, what do you think?"

I think that you shouldn't have left me crying at your doorstep on Monday.

"I don't know, Dylan..."

He throws a hand through his blonde hair and glances around. He's not accustomed to rejection. Especially in public, in front of his buddies. Katherine pipes up from beside me, "Come on, Tori! It'll be fun." She nudges me and grins, "You can always go straight home if you aren't enjoying yourself."

She's right. It is right next door to me, and if I don't go, it'll just keep me up all night anyway. "Alright," I focus on her, my best friend. Not her jerk of a brother. "I'll tag along with you."

"Great," the siblings say in sync and I pretend not to hear Dylan. I am definitely not over his precious ego and apparently neither is he.

I lead Kat away from him without as much as a glance as she continues. "So, you come home with me and then we head to his house at nine?"

I stare at her, "Why so late?"

"I dunno. You're supposed to go to parties late I think." She shrugs and I make a face.

I've never been to a party before. Especially not one as big as Mason's is supposed to be. I heard that his parents had to apply for a grant at the council to allow the noise level. They're also going away for the weekend to give him his birthday present of privacy.

Wow. I wish my parents weren't there out of consideration instead of indifference.

On the topic, Mason hasn't really spoken to me since my breakdown. When I gathered myself enough to leave Mason's and lock myself in my own room, he told me that he would give me some space. He said that if I needed him, he was next door.

And I've been avoiding him ever since.

I can't help but feel extremely embarrassed at the scene I made. He really didn't need to see that. After I left, I couldn't stop the toxic ideas from creeping into my head.

What if he tells? What if he was just being courteous?

What if he sees me the way Alex does?

A broken little girl who can't even face her own mother's birthday without breaking down.

And now I can't even face the boy who lost a grand final football game to keep me company in my lowest moment. Real mature.

"No makeup this time, Katherine." I warn her, hands outstretched to fight off any cosmetics she throws my way.

"Please?" She pleads and I shake my head profusely. "But you won't even wear the dress I got for you!"

"I'm flattered, but Kat," I sigh, "I'm done with the dresses. I'm done with the makeovers. Tonight I just want to be regular Tori."

"'Regular Tori' at a party." She winks at me and I fight the urge to groan. The things I do for this girl...

"'Regular Tori' who is probably going to go home after ten minutes."

She crosses her arms at that answer.

"Are you two ready?" Dylan knocks on the door and I want to groan again.

"No, we still have to do makeup," Katherine calls and I interrupt.

"No we don't. We're good." Before she can protest I slam the door open and drag her out by her wrist. I almost collide with Dylan's chest as I storm out of the room.

His smile falters when he sees me. "Are you okay? You look tired."

No, I'm just not wearing Katherine-level cosmetics. "I look like this every day," I keep my expression blank.

He nods slowly and tries to recover, "Must be the... lighting." There's a pause as he tries to move on and I glare at him. So not over it. "Let's go."

"Let's." And I drag a confused Katherine past her equally confused brother. He drops back slightly as we walk out to the car and Kat leans over to me.

"What is going on? I thought you two were... friendly." Dating. She thought we would be dating by now.

"Nothing." I still haven't told her about that day. And neither has Dylan by the sounds of it. I suppose he didn't really think much of a tear stained girl turning up on his doorstep. He clearly had more pressing matters to attend to.

When she asked how I was feeling on Tuesday morning, I said fine and we didn't talk about it again. What she doesn't know won't kill her, especially seen as the more people that know, the more it kills me.

We ride in silence, Katherine driving, me in shotgun and Dylan in the backseat. Once, he requested music, but as soon as he heard Panic! At The Disco he pleaded for silence.

What a sick, twisted person. I like him even less.

My heart starts hammering as I see bright lights come into view, teenagers strewn on the lawn. I wonder if Sally and Richard invited the entire neighbourhood along on their 'weekend out'. As it's a Friday, I know Ashley and Alan won't be home until late, and Adam will be out studying somewhere probably. Alex will be the one turning up the music.

It's quarter past nine and the party seems to be in full swing. As soon as we step out of the vehicle, I can smell cheap alcohol in the air. I step onto the pavement, right where I'd been bawling my eyes out just a few days beforehand.

"Ready?" Kat nudges my shoulder and I feel someone take my hand. It's not her. It's Dylan, with a charming smile that makes me want to spit in his face.

It takes all of my willpower not to pry my fingers away from his grip.


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