59. Making Amends

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I spot a dark head in the crowded hallways and clutch my books tighter to my chest

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I spot a dark head in the crowded hallways and clutch my books tighter to my chest. If I'm late to class one more time, I'm sure I'll be sentenced with a lifetime of detentions.

But I could spare a minute for this.

"You go to class," I drone without turning my head from the mop of dark hair in the distance. I can't risk letting her escape. "I have something I need to take care of."

When I see my prey settle beside her locker, I risk a glance toward Mason. His crystal eyes flicker back and forth between his past and his present. Hell, I might even be his future if I can help it.

Unsureness pulls lines between his eyebrows. "You sure that's... safe?" He half jokes and I scowl at him.

"She's about as dangerous as a bunny."

He gives me a stiff nod, but as I walk toward the silky dark hair and stiletto heels, he doesn't move an inch. I roll my eyes at him, "Go to class," But he only raises an eyebrow, as if to say like that's going to happen. "You can't afford to lose any more brain cells." I sing back to him, but I don't turn to catch his reaction.

I keep my eyes on the figure rummaging through her locker as I make my advances. She doesn't even notice when I lean beside her. "Hey," I say lightly to catch her attention.

Her stormy eyes calmly snap to attention, almost guarded. "Hi, Tori."

There's two beats before I think of how to actually have this conversation. I never planned this. To be honest, I'd been so caught up in... a certain boy to even remember how it might affect Kasey Harris. That was selfish of me.

"How have you been?" I nervously pause between my words and she smiles humorously.

"Better with Ben and Jerry. And some Spongebob." I almost feel the ice break between us, and a huge grin creeps onto my face.

With her heels, she's got about three inches on my height, but somehow she's not threatening at all. Kasey has never been a frightening girl to me, even when she came at me with threats and daggers over a boy. I'll admit I was a little scared when I found her tear stained in the hallways, though.

For a few moments we just smile at each other, light air and inside jokes and for a second, the idea of being friends doesn't seem so farfetched.

"So, are we..." I stupidly hold out my hand to shake, "Okay?"

She raises a perfectly manicured eyebrows before giggling a little as she holds out her hand. "Friends?"

That's better than 'okay', a voice chimes inside of me. My insides warm a little at the proposition. "Friends."

Suddenly, her grey-blue eyes flit to something behind me and her smile becomes a little awkward. No, not awkward – amused. "I think you have someone waiting for you."

I spin around and see a tall head of golden curls, exactly where I left him. I fight the urge to roll my eyes and yell at him to go to his goddamned class already. I decide against it, due to the fact that I'd definitely laugh or smile during and ruin the entire mood.

It turns out Mason annoying me has become a hilarious thing, especially to him.

He's watching with cautious eyes, though when he sees both of our easy smiles, he visibly relaxes. I know he's probably getting a little impatient (because hello, that's Mason's middle name), but there is one final thing I need to clear up.

"I'm sorry," I turn quickly back to Kasey, who looks a little confused. "If you think I... took him from you. That was not my intention. I never meant to hurt you, Kasey." I pray to God that she hears the sincerity in my voice, and even though it feels wrong to refer to Mason as something you can give and take and trade, it's the only way I could get my point across to her. That I'm not like Dylan, who tries to use people to get the things he wants and to hurt them.

She gives me this knowing smile before, "He was always yours, Tori. From the moment he met you. Just like you were never Dylan's." She glances back at him once again. "And I hope that the both of you stay that way."

I do, too.




Also - Sequel? I've been doing a lot of thinking (because that's what I have to resort to when I can't write or read) and I actually have a few ideas on how to go about writing one... so, what do you think?

I feel like sequels would only get half as much attention as the first, and I haven't exactly got much to go by on this one, but if you think you'd be up to reading a Renovation Complication 2, please say so!!!


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