35. The Plot Twist

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Please let this be a prank. Please let Dylan take off that prissy boy costume and actually be Mason totally messing with me. Sounds like the kind of thing he would do.

"Uh, thanks." Even I cringe at how insincere I sound as I take the flowers. They're daisies. And huge.

He smiles sincerely down at me, his green eyes playing with his bright hair. I'm becoming extremely uncomfortable. You know that awkward, pained smile that you get when you want to disappear?

Katherine grunts from behind the door at my uncooperativeness and I pretend to cough. It's a little weird that she's observing this exchange, but I think it would be even more if Dylan knew it was happening. "So, ready to go?" I ask, my voice raising a few decibels to give Katherine the signal to get lost.

In response, Dylan turns and hold his arm from his body for me to take.


Shut up, he's being sweet.

I take it and plaster on a smile as he leads me to his car. His very expensive looking car. The joints in my fingers are going stiff around these flower stems.

"So, I thought we could watch a movie or something." I nod, eyes forward. I clutch the white petals to my chest and try my best to blink with the four layers of mascara. Watching a movie doesn't sound like a very bonding experience, but then again I've never really been on a date before.

The only other time a boy asked me out was in seventh grade. He took me out to McDonalds and we ate French fries in absolute silence. The only reason he did it was because there was a rumour going around the girls at school that the new girl had plastic surgery.

At the end of the night instead of kissing me, he pulled and squished my cheeks to check for implants.

Yeah, I have a great dating track record.

There's country music playing softly on the radio and I can't decide which is worse; turning up the volume or driving in absolute silence. Even Mason's late night heavy metal is preferable to this.

Shut up about Mason.

Okay, okay... Even Katherine's Taylor Swift is preferable to this.

Suddenly Dylan moves his hand closer to mine and I start hyperventilating. It's too late to wipe the sweat off of my palm now and my fingers are clammy as his hand envelops my own. There isn't even a sense of closeness as he squeezes my knuckles together and I finally look at him.

When I see his soft smile I realise that I'm not reciprocating it. Oh, God the fake one is even worse. What is up with me tonight?

Maybe you're hung up on another footballer.

Oh, you're right! I haven't seen Alex in eons. The last time he spoke to me was on that last day of school. Ever since then he's been acting a little distant (well, more than usual), whenever I'm in the room his eyes are on his phone or narrowed in a scowl not necessarily directed at me.

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