Chapter One

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When You Go, Just Know That I Will Remember You

Sorry for any spelling/grammar issues!


Christa's POV

The baby. Ray. The baby. Ray. Those were the two things that were running through my mind as I barrelled down the freeway in my little Honda Accord. I've been meeting Ray almost every night. I know I love him. I know what I did before was the biggest mistake of my life, and I plan on spending the rest of my days proving how much I really do love him. I wonder when we can finally tell his family we're back together. They're gonna flip. I cringed thinking about their reactions. I was so lost in thought, I didn't notice the large transport truck swerving into my lane until it nearly hit me. I swerved a hard right into the other lane. I could see a blue van just inches away from hitting me. I slammed my foot on the excelerator and gunned into the next lane. I pulled a sharp left and tried to regain control of my car. I could see the wall coming up fast. There's no way I could stop now. I love you Ray, I thought, clutching my baby stomach as my car rammed full force into the wall. And then it went black.

Ray's POV

I woke to my cellphone vibrating on my bedside table. I grabbed it angerly. "Hello?" I asked dramatically. "Mr.Toro? My name is Dr. Heus. I'm sorry to inform you that your wife has been in a car accident. We are doing emergency surgery to try and save the baby." "I'll be there in 10 minutes" I said quickly, my heart racing.

I jumped out of bed and grabbed a pair of jeans off my floor and a T shirt out of the closet, racing down the stairs. "Alicia! Mikey!" I screamed, fear taking over my voice. Alicia came running, nearly crashing into me. Mikey was a step behind her. "What's wrong Ray?" they both asked at the same time. "Christa. Car accident. Emergency surgery for the baby" I got out as quickly as possible. Alicia immediately went into action mode. "Mikey- grab my purse out of the kitchen!" she called, running towards what would have been Braden's nursery. She was back almost intantly, carrying a diaper bag. "What's that for?" I asked, ramming my feet into a pair of shoes. "Stuff for the baby" she said, putting on her own shoes. Mikey appeared fin the doorway, holding Alicia's purse. He was ready to go. "Let's go" he said quickly, holding the car keys.

We raced out to the car. Mikey was going to drive. I jumped into the back seat, assuming Alicia would take the front. She jumped in beside me. Mikey was already flying down the road. Alicia grabbed one of my fisted hands and smoothed out my fingers. "Relax" she soothed. "It's all going to be okay." I just nodded, to overwhelmed by my fear to respond.

Within 5 minutes Mikey had us in the hospital parking lot. We raced towards the emergency room door, my heart beating out of my chest.


Hey guys! Here's the other scenario so far. Tell me what you think! Thanks for reading!


When You Go, Just Know That I Will Remember YouWhere stories live. Discover now