Chapter Two

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When You Go, Just Know That I Will Remember You

Sorry for any spelling/grammar issues!


Ray's POV

We raced through the emergency room doors and up to the front desk. "Christa Toro" I said to the nurse. She input the name on her computer and then stood up. She led us down a series of hallways to a window and walked away without a word.

My breath caught in my throat when I looked through the window. Christa was on the operating table with her stomach opened and bloody. A large group of doctors and nurses surrounded her, working quickly. My hands must have slammed against the window in shock, as a nurse ran towards us and yanked the curtains shut.

I felt arms wrap around me as the tears began to fall from my eyes. That's my wife in there, and my baby.

Eventually Dr. Heus came out of the operating room, her face grim. "Mr. Toro?" she asked me. "Just Ray" I said. "And this is Mikey and Alicia, close family friends" I said, gesturing to Mikey and Alicia. I suprised myself by how calm my voice sounded. She nodded. "I'm terribly sorry, but Christa and the baby didn't make it." I fell back against the wall and fell to the floor. A loud sob escaped my lips. The tears starting flowing fast and uncontrollably. "No. No! NO! You're not serious?" I begged, praying for it to all be a dream, but knowing it was my reality. My worst nightmare. Dr. Heus nodded. "I'm so so sorry." She said softly. "I don't want sorry; I want my wife and my baby" I sobbed. Alicia sank down to the floor beside me, tears filling her eyes. Mikey knelt down on the other side of me. Dr. Heus just stood before us, clearly not wanting to leave, but not knowing what to say.

Their arms wrapped around me as I sobbed. It must have only been moments, but it felt like centuries when Dr. Heus finally spoke. "Would you like to see them?" she asked quietly. Would I like to see them? Would I like to see my dead wife and baby? What kind of question is that? But I need to say my goodbyes, no matter how painful they may be. I nodded solemly. Mikey pulled me up and Alicia squeezed my hand. They stayed with me as Dr. Heus led us inside.

My whole body tensed when I saw them. My family. Christa was pale, very very pale. More pale than she normally would be. A sheet was pulled up to her chin, covering her stomach. Her hair flowed over the white mattress, seeming so dark in contrast. Her beautiful face was emotionless and expressionless. I wanted to look away, but my eyes her drawn her.

I walked slowly to her and stroked her cheek. She was cold. "We were working things out. I was seeing her every night. We were going to be a family again" I whispered quietly. Mikey and Alicia somehow didn't look suprised.

"It wasn't supposed to be like this Christa. It should've been me in the car, me here on this table. You should still be here. You should be here to raise our baby into a strong young child, and to see them into adulthood. I love you. I'll love you forever and always." I whispered to her, tears falling slowly. I gently kissed her cold lips, and then closed my eyes. For a moment a swear I could smell her wonderful perfume and feel her arms wrap around me. "Be strong" I thought I heard her whisper.

I opened my eyes to Mikey, Alicia, and Dr. Heus looking at me worriedely. I looked a little past Christa to a smaller table where my baby lay, wrapped in a soft white balnket, so only the small face was visible. I slowly made my way there, holding in a rush of emotion at the tiny blue, lifeless baby before me. My baby. My visibly deformed, very premature baby. "It would have been a girl" Dr. Heus told me quietly. My baby girl. "Sasha" I whispered, a single tear rolling down my cheek. "Sasha Toro. She would've grown up to be something special, a daddy's little girl" I said softly. I heard a choked sob come from behind me. I turned to see Alicia sobbing into Mikey's shoulder. Mikey had tears running down his cheeks. Seeing them cry made me cry harder.

Dr. Heus quietly walked over to Sashaand picked her small body up. She carried her over to me and placed her in my arms. I gasped at how little she weighed.

Her lifeless face never got to know a smile. Her ears never got to know a laugh. She never got to have her first birthday party, or go to school, or hold a guitar, or have her first kiss. She never got to meet someone special, get married, and grow old. She never got to have kids or grandkids or great grandkids. She never got to meet her cousins and aunts and uncles and her mother and father. She never got to ride a bike or go swimming. She never got to paint her bedroom and hang posters on the wall. She never got to make friends and go to sleepovers and do all the things that little girls do. She never got to LIVE. She was brought into this world only to leave it immediately.

I never got to see my little girl grow up, and comfort my wife when she cried about our little girl growing up.

I'll never forget my wife and my daughter, but I'll stay strong. For them, because it's what they would want and expect.

I gently lay Sasha back down on the table. I kissed her cold forehead. "I love you Sasha. You'll always be my little girl" I whispered, my voice cracking slightly.

I turned away from my resting family and left the room behind Dr. Heus, Mikey and Alicia. "I love you both so much" I whispered with a last glance back before I shut the door behind me.



Hey guys! So no excuses, I know. Here you go, thanks for reading!


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