Chapter 18: The Forest

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A 12 year old boy lay on the ground looking up at the trees. The leaves lined up in such a way that the sun would almost dance as the light passed through the opening between the leaves. The boy came here often, to clear his mind, or to just be alone. It had a quiet feeling that could tranquilize anyone.
Suddenly, there was a shaking in the bushes. The boy looked curiously to find out what had made the sound. He looked through the leaves and found a fox. It sat still as a passive animal would. The fox tried to scurry away but it's front leg was broken. The boy noticed a snagged tree branch in the background and pieced together what had happened.
The boy took the fox secretly into his home. He bandaged up it's leg and nurtured the fox back to health. The fox grew especially attached to this boy and the boy enjoyed the animal's company. All was good, but only for a while.
About a week later the fox's leg healed. The boy knew he couldn't get away with hiding a fox forever, so he decided to let her go.
The boy took the fox to a part of the forest where the lake shore met the trees. He let the fox down from the safety of the boy's arms to play. The fox gazed upon the rolling tides of the lake. A gaze that was getting more and more unbreakable. The boy saw this as an opportune time to run, so he did. He ran faster and faster, refusing to look back until the fox was out of sight. He finally did look back, feeling sorry for the creature and sad for himself at the same time.
The fox noticed the boy was gone. It began to worry. The creature searched the entire shoreline but didn't find him. It howled a high-pitched bark in hopes the boy would return.
He never did.

Dipper woke up with a gasp of air. He tried to remember the dream he just had, but it faded from his memory.

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