chapter 2

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"Mommy can we order pizza?" Angel asked and I laughed there is no denying she's my daughter

"I don't know baby go ask grandma" I answer and she runs off our relationship is kinda weird Ma is Wes and Keaton's mom but we all call her Ma she's a better mom then mine was and she pretty much raised me since I was 13 and Drew since he was 8or9 we are family in every way other then biologically I met them when I was 13

I was 7 months pregnant and was sleeping on the beach when a girl walked by she was 13 also and when she saw me she immediately started fussing over me at the time I was into stuff and you could tell from looking at me I was lost in every way she helped me hundreds of people had walked by me not even sparing me a glance but she helped me and took me to her home and when we got there Ma helped me and let me live there and home schooled me but if it wasn't for Brooke it wouldn't have happened she became my best friend and the guys my brothers she's the one that's going to watch Angel for me when we leave for x factor and of course Ma will help her she didn't come because she's working today but she will be ecstatic I didn't because an official member of the band till I was 14 because I was dealing with and taking care of Angel and I didn't really want to be in the band to begin with but they bugged me and bugged me till I said yes and I loved it instantly even though it's annoying sometimes being with 3 guys almost constantly I mean seriously guys are gross and perverts I'm trying to keep Keaton as innocent as possible but it doesn't always work out I mean I'm only one person and both Wes and Drew make it almost impossible they are my brothers though so what can I do boys are boys the cool thing is they taught me to skate board and surf even though I didn't want to learn at the time and look at me now I can't picture my life without it or them

"Yo babe what do you want on your pizza?" Keats asked as if he didn't know

"veggie lovers and Angel will probably share with Drew or Wes like always" I say and he nods rolling his eyes I'm a vegetarian and the guys are always bugging about it cause I'm really small and they say I need meat but I don't want to eat animals they have feelings and faces so I eat other stuff and weigh 95lbs which is less then normal for a girl my height but the doc says I'm healthy so I'm good even if the guys are concerned I take vitamins to make up for the protein and nutrients I miss out on for not eating meat and don't force anybody else to be vegetarians I wasn't one till after I had Angel she loves meat though so she shares Wes' meat lovers with mushrooms and olives or Drews pepperoni with what I think is hamburger meat because Keaton's pineapple pepperoni and hot sause pizza is just to weird

"hey Be pizzas here!" Wes yells and I go running its funny I'm tiny but I eat more then them I eat a full large pizza and they always have leftovers I finished my 3rd slice before the finish their first Angel grabs one of both Wes' and Drew's and starts eating happily as Brooke walks in and grabs some plain pepperoni pizza and sits across from me

"ok so is this celebratory pizza or poor me pizza?" she asks us nervously

"oh yeah you didn't answer when I called you we got 4 yes' so I'm going to need you to watch Angel for me while we're gone" I told her and she squealed and hugged all of us happily

"ours should air in like 2 weeks then we go to boot camp in L.A." I tell her and she's excited almost more excited then we are which makes us laugh

"Chill Brooke babe" I say imitating Drew causing her to laugh and roll her eyes

"Wait Mommy has to leave?" Angel asks with tears in her eyes

"yes baby but I won't be far and you can come see me ok?" I say and she nods happily going back to eating

"Dude why don't we all go to yogurtland tomorrow after the skate park Brooke it's your day off so you can bring Angel and meet us there and then we can chill at the beach maybe surf" Wes said and we all agreed

"ok Anhelica it's 7:00 you know what that means right?" I ask and she nods sadly and sticks out her little lip

"Bath time" she says sadly

"Can Uncle Wes give me a bath please?" she asks and I look at him and he nods and picks her up and takes her to the bathroom she likes him to bathe her because she says he doesn't get soap in her eyes like the others apparently do and he lets her take toys and have bubbles which I never let her have so I went to get her an outfit

"Drew Keaton you know she's going to want you to sing her song and fix her hair right?" I ask and they nod with a shake of their heads

"if somebody had told me 4 years ago I would be fixing a little girls hair when I'm 19 I would have had them locked away in an insane asylum" Drew said with a smirk

"same with me and bedtime songs and probably Wes and bathing her" Keaton said laughing as I pulled out dark blue pjs with a teddy bear on a skateboard on the top and on the bottoms it had the same teddy doing tricks they were Angels favorite even though technology they are boy pjs I took them to Wes and see Angel giggling happily and playing with the bubbles happily I stand in the doorway and watch them with a smile

"Uncle Wes? why don't I have a daddy? Katie says real families have a mommy and daddy and if I don't have one I don't have a real family" she said suddenly and I froze a tear slipping from my eye

"baby girl your so silly of course you have a real family you have a mommy three uncles an aunt and a grandma that love you so much does Katie have thet?" he asks

"No but she has a daddy why didn't daddy like me? Emmy says her daddy wanted a boy and loves josh more then her is that why he doesn't like me does he wish I was a boy? I try to act like a boy a lot like mommy but I'm a girl and mommy will be sad if I cut my hair off" she said and I was now literally in tears

"No baby he doesn't wish you were a boy don't tell your mom I told you this but your daddy is a mean poopy head and he was young and doesn't realize what he lost your a perfect skater princess Angel and you have a lot of people who love you I know it's hard not to have a dad but he's a jerk face and doesn't deserve to have you or your mommy in his life" he tells her and she smiles as he washes her hair

"hey I brought you her cloths and a towel" I say and Wes sees the tears in my eyes and pulls me into a hug and just lets me cry and then calls Drew and has him carry me to my bed and he get Angel out of the bath and brings her in the room Drew sits on the edge of the beds and has her sit in her hair chair he puts in the leave in conditioner and all the sprays and oils to keep her hair from frizzing up and then he gets the comb and parts her hair directly in half and pulls one side up into I bun type thing as he french braids the first half of her hair then he ties it off and does the other half beautifully her hair is brown but its different shades and its cute like Hayden Panetierre's in remember the titans the curls I mean we put her in bed and leave the room as Keaton sings her special song for her Drew wrote it but he doesn't really sing he raps more and I can't be in the room or she'll cling to me and Wes' voice doesn't calm her like Keaton's does it just wakes her up more so hes the one that sings

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