Chapter 22

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our next day was a free day so I texted Liam saying I was just going to chill here at the house cause I didn't want him to see me upset the girls were worried though they brought me breakfast and but couldn't even get me to take my pill I wanted the pain I could tell they were worried and I would have been also to them it probably seemed as if I didn't notice they were in the room then it happened I needed to pee so I got up not realizing where I was or that there was a bed above me when I got up I hit the back of my neck on the top bunk the same place that was still bruised and had sever nerve damage I scream in pain and then passed out when I woke up the boys were surrounding my bed and they all had tears in their eyes

"uh what happened?" I asked and all their eyes snaped to me

"your awake!" Wes yelled and hugged me I didn't respond to the hug still mad at them but my resolve was slowly breaking

"I don't care if you hate me like forever babe all that matters is that your awake your ok and your alive" he said and the last bit startled me a bit

"we didn't tell mom what happened she’d be on a plane in a heartbeat if we did but you flat lined babe twice first time 5 minutes second time 30 they called your death we called mom and Angel answered and said that you will forgive us when you wake up and that you will wake up and hung up the phone and we've been waiting Liam was going crazy Ness went to tell him you woke up we're sorry we were acting weird it's just we realized that things were going to change I mean you’re our baby sister and Keats big sister we were scared he'd take you away and we didn't want to get hurt so we decided to give you more space and it hurt all of us and then all this we're so so sorry baby girl please forgive us" he said and I nodded

"of course I forgive you we're family no matter what I said when I was mad I'm sorry forgive and forget?" I asked and I was enveloped in hugs

"so how long was I out?" I asked

"2 days we head home the day after tomorrow" Keaton says

"wait so when do we audition?" I ask and they look at me shocked

"you still want to be on x factor?" they asked shocked

"of course when can I get out of here so we can go sing our song?" I ask and Drew goes to find the doctor as Liam comes running in the room with his band a lady and girl about my age close behind him

"your alive" he says and kisses me till the doctor clears her throat

"everything seems normal certainly doesn't seem like you were dead moments ago" the doctor said and surprisingly released me and we rushed back to Simon's house to sing cameras from the show following us and on the way there Wes' phone rings and its mom so he puts it on speaker

"Wesley how could you all not tell me my baby girl died I had to find out threw Keaton’s Twitter and nobody answers their phones" ma says and breaks into sobs making me feel bad but she can't know

"Ma what happened? How did Brooke die? Keats you knew and didn't tell me" I screeched and then started sobbing

"What are you talking about I haven't been on Facebook I days owe Be stop hitting me" Keaton said as I hit him

"Vividiana your alive!" ma screeched

"yes mother why wouldn't I be" I asked feeling horrible

"Yo Keats your Facebook was hacked bro" Drew said and mom calmed down

"so all my babies are safe?" she asked

"yes Ma" we said and she sighed then we told her we have to sing and she hung up and we all glared at Keaton

"oh shit guys she's fuckin trending I swair I didn't it put up" he says and we look and it was posted from a different phone

"does Simon know I'm alive" I ask as we walk into the house and many people scream when they see me including Simon

"I'll take that as a no" Keaton says and the others nod

"How is she standing there?" Simon asked and I rolled my eyes

"According to them I died twice was announced dead and then woke up 30 minutes later" I said

"You’re the one who put it on Keaton's Twitter that I was dead aren't you?" I asked and he nodded

"ok we told Ma it was hacked we need to get rid of all evidence that it did happen and we need to go publicly and say I'm alive because for some insane reason RIPBB RIP1/4emblem and RIPVIVIDIANA are all trending oh and people are lighting candles for me having memorials and everything all over the US and I'm alive so fix it" I say and he nods and then we sing gives you hell and then go tell people I was hanging with some people I met and invited me over so was chilling with them and crashed there and I couldn’t remember where the house was and my phone was dead then the boys found me and by then somebody had hacked Keats Twitter and said I was dead and people believed it cause nobody could find me and people believed it and Simon was working on erasing all evidence that I died and then he booked the band to be on tomorrow's Good Morning America which would get us votes for sure we were even singing which was awesome

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