Chapter 27

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I wake up the next morning at 9:00 to my phone ringing

"Hello?" I ask pissed I mean you don't wake me up this early and not expect me to be mad

"Why did I wake up to the 5 hottest guys on the Planet knocking on the front door four of which are single? You could have warned me I would have fixed my hair or something before I went to bed" Brooke whisper yelled at me and I laughed

"Sorry Brooke I forgot there taking Angel to the Zoo today because I want to see how her and Liam interact together" I said and she sighed

"Uhh next time warn me ok Vividiana" she said frustrated

"Ok Brooklyn" I answered she hates being called that as much as I hate being called Vividiana

"Uhh fine I got to get ready for work your baby says bye she loves u" she said irritated and I laugh

"tell her I love her also always" I say and we both hang up and I know there is no way I'm getting back to sleep so I go shower and get ready for the day when I get out I put on jeans and a cropped tank top and head down for breakfast and smiled when I saw somebody saved me plain eggs with cheese on a plate everyone else was eating their eggs with sausage or bacon in it

"Hey BeBe after we eat we have our first rehearsal with Simon" Keaton said and I nodded happily

"Ok so have you thought of what you’re going to sing?" Simon asked us when we walked in

"Yeah actually we are thinking about 'as I em' by Asher Roth" I said and he nodded

"I've never heard it" he said and I nod

"yes Asher is a white rapper like Eminem and he is always compared to him and this song was one he made when he was fed up I think it relates to us pretty well because if you look on Twitter and YouTube a lot of people are comparing me to Eminem also which is probably my fault cause I compared myself to him in that rap" I said and he nodded again

"Well try it and see how it goes" Simon said and we nodded


'Take me as I am my friends

Ain't gon' change, won't be no end

Write these songs, rock these shows

Only good life want to I know


I was just a kid when I heard the Slim Shady LP

Yeah, Ma had it on when she was ironin', irony

Gettin' out the wrinkles, just a little kid in school

Sink my teeth in anythin' to think I'm cool, ridin' the bus

I feel the rush from, I still don't give a fuck(language bro)


Yeah, I wish I could agree but I've already had enough

I've already given up from playin' the same game

Every interview, feel like I'm sayin' the same thing, like


Em was great, yeah he helped pave the way for us


He was inspiration for everybody from A to Z

But they keep relatin' us, I can' get away, chasin' us

All day long, we hear it, all day long

And now the masters think

Emblem chick wants to be a Marshall Mather's

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