Chapter 32

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"Is there anything you guys can't sing?" Simon said

"We can't sing opera or anything not English other than BeBe" Drew says with a laugh

"Hey just because I can understand it and can translate it don't mean I can sing it well" I say with a laugh

"Spanish" Simon asks and I nod

"Don’t you dare bring up that song it was a joke" I said and we all laughed and Simon just rolled his eyes

"keep practicing and come up with a routine for Wednesday" he said and we nodded and started planning our performance which we decided would be like a huge party type of vibe and we'll dress like were going to a party and just have fun with it by the time we finished planning everything out it was already almost midnight so we go shower and stuff and then get some sleep and I woke up to Angel jumping on my bed at 7am

"Hey Angel come on lets sleep a little more" I say and pull her into my arms and go back to sleep only to have somebody shaking me awake 2 hours later at 9am

"Sorry Be but Angel is hungry and you have like a death grip on her" Liam says and I laugh and get up not caring that I'm in girl boxers and a sports bra I mean it covers more than my bathing suits anyways I go to the bathroom to get dressed I put on an emerald green tank top and black yoga pants and tired my hair up in a messy bun brushed my teeth washed my face and then went to the kitchen to see who was awake I walked in to find just about everyone up Wesley looked hilarious in sweatpants no shirt and his hair sticking up everywhere and to top it off he had Angel bouncing on his lap extremely hyper while he looked like he was half dead all of 1d my boys and Brooke were their also

"So how was the concert?" I asked

"It was awesome Be I wish you could have come with us it was so much fun" Brooke said excitedly making us all laugh

"Mommy uncle Li gave me a lot of things I even got this t-shirt see but uncles wrote on it but its ok and they also gave me a necklaces and bracelets that say their names and a hat that says 1D and sunglasses but they arn't aviators like my other ones and temporary tattoos and-" Angel said but Brooke cut her off

"the boys pretty much bought her everything in that was for sale she ate chicken strips with celery and cheese spread and then she had mixed fruit for dessert she was really good and didn't act up" Brooke said and I laughed Angel loves celery and cheese

"So you all spoiled her yesterday" I asked and the boys looked guilty which made me laugh

"its fine guys your her new uncles your supposed to spoil her just don't do it too much remember her birthday is coming up really soon and her birthdays and Christmas are when she gets to be spoiled" I said and Liam put his arm around me

"we won't spoil her too much before her birthday don't worry but know her birthday will be a huge deal she has 6 new uncles all of who adore her" he said and I groaned knowing they were going to spend a lot of money on her but who am I to tell them what to buy her and how much to spend on her if I told them then it wouldn't be from them it would be them paying for my gift to her so I just brushed it off

"ok so we gotta practice but y'all can sit in if you want" I told them and they agreed and we all went to the practice room and we spent hours on the song trying to get it perfect and figure out choreography it was hard for all of us because we haven't really sang live we've rapped drew has a hard time singing because we've never really had to I mean he always raps cause that’s what he's good at Wes and Keaton sing and rap they are good at both I love to do both but I'm not sure which one I'm better at we took a break at like 2 to eat sandwiches then started practicing again we stopped again at 6 to start cooking dinner well Brooke and I cooked the boys and Angel goofed off we cooked stir fry with broccoli carrots penne noodles and tofu with sauce and a cheesy garlic bread of course one direction didn't know it was tofu cause they wouldn't have eaten it

"What’s for dinner?" Wesley asked walking up behind us as we finish setting the food on the table

"Stir fry" I answer and set a plate for Angel as we all sit around the table

"Mommy can I say grace please?" Angel asked and I nodded

"thank you God for this food we are about to receive we ask that it be nourishment to our bodies and that food will never lack from our tables in Jesus name we pray amen" Angel said sweetly and then did something unexpected she turned to Zayn with a pointed look not touching her food

"What gelly bean?" he asked her

"Aren’t you going to pray to your God?" she asked him with a smile and he nodded and did his prayer and we all started eating

"Gelly bean how'd you know I have a different God?" Zayn asked Angel and she laughed

"I can read you know when I found out you were my new uncles I looked you'll up and learned everything I could about you so I know your Muslim though I have no clue what that really means other than it's a religion" she said and we all laughed at her adorableness

"That meal was really good girls what kinda meat was that?" Harry asked after we finished eating and Angel laughed

"That wasn't meat silly it was toe food" she said and me Brooke and my brothers laughed at one directions reaction

"she means tofu and you should have known that I mean I told you I don't eat meat" I said and niall looked shocked all to soon one direction had to leave to catch their flight to their next concert Angel was in tears hanging onto Liam’s neck and a tear ran down my eye I made a mistake letting her get so attached to him

"Anhelica baby they have to leave" I say with a sad smile

"Angel baby girl calm down I have your mama and your Auntie Brooke's number and will call you every day and you can call me whenever you want ok I will see you again soon ok I promise honey" Liam says and I smile as he hugs her and kiss her cheek and passes her to me and she sobs into my shirt he then hugged me

"I'm so sorry" he said and he honesty looked like it was breaking his heart to see her crying like she was he then kissed my head and waited for the other guys to say bye they all hugged me and kissed Angels head

"gelly bean if your good when we come back we'll bring you something ok baby girl" Zayn said and kissed her head and hugged us both the rest of the boys did the same and they left not long after they left Brooke and Angel had to leave as well but Angel didn't take it as hard because she was already half asleep by this time we we're all exhausted and went to sleep the next few days went by pretty normally and we rehearsed till the song was perfect and Tuesday night we we're 100% ready for live show and went to bed early 

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