Chapter 23

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we had to be up at 10am which is 3 am in the U.S. so we ate and then crashed only to be woken up by Drew at 9 and have to rush to get ready and have drew do my hair in a braid I was wearing a cut off white spaghetti strap tank top with jean shorts and flip flops and we had to go to the sofa and sit till they told us to talk we could hear the lady with our ear pieces

"Now we are going to talk to a girl who according to Twitter died yesterday coming to you from London its emblem4ever" and we we're live

"Yeah that's kinda weird anyways I'm BeBe you may know us as emblem4ever we're on this season of x factor and here's what really happened I was chilling at the beach cause we has a free day on Friday and I met this girl around my age named Leslie her and her mom were collecting sea glass so I started helping and then she invited me to her house cause her brother and his band are in town so I go it's pretty chill and I don't really think to call my brothers cause we party all the time back I'm Cali I crash on her coach after talking to her brother for like hours and he seems cool I wake up the next day and I don't remember where Simons house is my phone is dead and the only numbers I know are American numbers that you can't call from regular phones you need international phones I thought I was screwed I mean nobody knew where I was then Leslie's brother comes in which makes me freak out because I realize he's Liam Frickin Payne I tell him I need to see Simon but of course he doesn't believe me but he takes me to get coffee thinking maybe I'm still half asleep and we run into my brothers who had been chilling and knew I was probably fine but they said we had our audition to see if we go to live week soon so I leave Liam and we get a car back to the house when Wes' gets a call from mom so he puts it on speaker she screams at him for not telling her that one of her daughters died and having to find out from Keats Twitter I freak out and hit Keats asking him why he didn't tell me Brooke died he swears he didn't put it Drew looks at it and said his Twitters been hacked ma calms down asking if that means we're all safe we say yeah and then she hangs up we realize I'm trending well me being dead is we get to Simon's everyone freaks out cause they all believed I was dead even Simon which is weird and then we spent the rest of yesterday convincing people I'm not a ghost" I explained and the boys nodded

"boys what was your reaction to your sisters death" she asked

"we didn't really have a bad one cause the first we heard of it she was sitting in front of us but when we thought it was Brooke it was horrible I mean she almost died a few weeks ago but Keats here took a bullet for her" Drew said and the rest of us nodded

"yes we heard you have had quite a bit of misfortune since joining x factor BeBe's daughter Angel almost drowned BeBe was attacked and almost paralyzed or killed your sister Brooke had a gun to her head Keaton was shot when he pushed Brooke out of the way Drew was almost hit by a car and now the world thought BeBe was dead Wesley seems to be the only one in the clear" she said and we laughed

"Yeah let’s not jinx that" he says with a wink

"So I hear y'all are pretty good singers and musicians" she says and me and Wes point at each other

"You’re alright I guess" we say together and laugh

"Would you mind playing a little something of us?" she asks and we nod and walk over to the instruments I grab my guitar Wes goes for bongos Keats goes for keys and Drew gets base

"We aren’t supposed to do anything like this till live show but we'll make an exception" Keats said with a smile


'Shut up and listen bro


Let’s see I had a dream

But I ain't ML King

I wanted to make a change

But it ain't the same thing

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