chapter 25

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"I got word during the interview I've been assigned you guys in the show otherwise put as I'm the only one that you have to let interview you" she says and we all smile it's cool all in all she was a nice person and good interviewer plus now we don't have to answer things like 5 times

"cool so can we leave we want to see our family before we have to really deal with the show" Wes says and we all agree and we head out for a family meal our whole family at the diner and the food was awesome and we told everyone we made it to the live show which had everyone in a good mood and just as we were about to leave the door opened and a young girl with three kids walked in looking vaguely familiar they looked at us and the oldest kid ran up and hugged me and the girl did the same to Drew they were both in tears and then it hit me this was the family Angel had us save the one that almost hit Drew

"we thought we'd never see you again after the accident I was so out of it I didn't even get your names or give you ours and then we found this place and they knew you here and told us to come today" the aunt said and we smiled

"well I'm BeBe I'm 17 this is my baby Angel she's 4 that's Drew he's 19 Keaton is 16 and Wes is 18 then our sister Brooke is 17 and that's Ma and her boyfriend Steve" I said and she smiles

"I'm Vivian I'm 20 my sister and her husband died a little over 2 weeks ago leaving her kids in my care I got a job here before I knew I was going to have them and when I found out I packed them up and we all left the oldest is Andrea she's 8 then Jade is 5 and Ty is 3" she says and we smile happily I look at Drew and know instantly he fell for her hard so I pulled him aside

"Drew do you know what your doing?" I ask and he smiles

"BeBe your my sister I know how you feel about things and you know how I feel I would never date a girl with kids if I didn't see a future for us one where we can have a fairytale ending I'll take it slow ok I promise" he tells me and I hug him with a smile on my face then we go back and he starts playing with the kids and he says he's going to chill with them and Keaton is going to stay with bell and the rest of us pretty much split up Wes takes Brooke to the beach for some brother sister time which I'm fine with ma and Steve say they're going back to the hotel which has us all shuttering and its just me and Angel or so I think she still has my phone

"Mommy they're here to pick us up" she says as we're about to leave and we go out to a 60's looking van parked outside you know the ones that more than likely have shag carpet and it was Orange and white as we walked out it honked at us and Angel dragged me towards it for a little kid she's pretty strong and when we got to it the door opened and a pair of arms picked me up and brought me in and she jumped in I honestly thought we we're going to die and I start hitting and kicking and people in the front are laughing and I try to open the door to throw Angel out when I hear it

"Chill BeBe it’s us Gel you didn't tell her we were picking y'all up?" he asked and I relaxed instantly recognizing his voice

"nope I thought this would be funnier" she said with a laugh and I rolled my eyes

"I honestly thought you guys were kidnapping us what's with the creepy van anyway?" I ask and she laughs

"it's the one from you don't know your beautiful" Liam says and I hit my head against the door I've been forced to watch that video at least 100 times then I laugh

"alright so what are we doing?" I ask and they shrug

"Can you guys please tell Mommy to let me get a new karaoke machine" Angel begged and I laughed till I saw the look in Louis' eyes that worried me

"TO THE TOY STORE!" he yelled and I gave him the look that says don't you dare

"No her birthdays in less than a month and she can get toys then" I said firmly and Angel wined pouting and whimpering you know the fake crying little kids do to get there way and the boys would easily fall for it

"Anhelica Nevaeh Faith Scott Riley Stromberg you better stop that this instant and behave or I will spank you right here I don't care if one direction is here or not you do not act like this I will tell your Uncle Wesley about this when we get back and he will spank you if I have to tell you again and I will spank you right here also understand" I told her firmly

"Fine" she huffed

"Excuse me I don't think I heard you correct" I said giving her a chance to change what she said

"I said yes ma’am" she corrected herself

"That’s what I thought now apologize to One Direction for how you acted" I told her and she nodded

"I'm sorry for acting up and whining will you please forgive me for my attitude?" she said and they all forgave her and hugged her or in Louis' case smiled at her and blew her a kiss cause he is driving the guys kept looking at me shocked though but clearly didn't want to say anything where Angel could hear so I gave her my phone and Liam put big headphones on her ears like the ones we put on her when she's around while we're rehearsing so she couldn't hear

"Ok what's with the looks" I say and Liam laughed

"it's nothing babe it's just when you were getting after Angel it really hit us that even though your younger than us you really are a Mother oh and you have the mom glare down" he says and I laugh

"oh I'm sorry by the way for not even consulting you before I yelled out toy store like Liam said it's hard to picture you as a mom sometimes it's weird none of us are really around little kids much I mean Zayn and Liam are really the only ones with little sisters and they aren't really little I mean Zayn's youngest sister is 13 already old enough to not need him none of our sisters need us" Louis said and I smiled

"a girl will always need her brothers daddy and uncles no matter their age I mean I'm 17 and I miss my daddy so much I don't have uncles and I still sleep with my brothers when I have a nightmare or can't sleep they chase away my fears" I say and they all look down as if thinking of their sisters

"I feel bad for Angel she wakes up at night sometimes crying because she doesn't have her daddy" I said and they all look down sadly

"I bet that's horrible for you all" Zayn says and I smile nodding

"yeah I hate seeing her upset like that but she said during the interview today she has a mommy 3 uncles an aunt 2 grandmas and a grandpa plus one direction who will probably be her uncles and uncle Simon who love her so she doesn't need her father or my parents in her life because they hurt me" I said and they all smiled

"that's sweet" they all said together and we all laughed

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