chapter 10

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"Yeah fine BB just one question Keaton" Wes says and I groan knowing I'm not going to like this question

"How old were you who was she?" he asks

"that was 3 questions" I say and Keaton is extremely red

"14 Lilly's little sis" Drew answered and I groaned again

"Drew I didn't need to know that! He's my little brother I want him to stay innocent" I say and Wes hugs me

"I know I feel the same about you and Brooke but everyone has to grow up at some point" he asked and I smiled

"um ok back to tattoos" Alisha said and was drawing it it had bubble letters and she said she was going to make it colorful the names she was doing in our favorite colors and going to try and try and match our hand writing with Anhelica being in cursive it looked amazing because it was like how we write our names on the top of a paper not our signatures then I started hearing tattoo guns start and I looked at Keats who was watching Jason with a pained smile on his face which made me want to cry anyways I pulled my phone out and started playing angry birds awkwardly with one hand and when she was done it looked frickin Awesome and she started writing out the one on my stomach which tickled a bit but was it was beautiful and black ink perfect and when she was done I hugged her

"thank you Alisha! it's beautifully perfect and amazing brilliant like always your my girl! I will never go to anyone else for tattoos not even the girl from L.A. ink I swear I love you so much and when we're famous in a few months I'll be sure to tell everyone about your awesome tattoos!" I shrieked causing everyone to laugh

"hey can I pierce your belly button I got new rings I know your going to love it Be please no charge" Alisha begs and I look at her suspicionly

"what's the catch?" I ask and laugh at the face she makes

"she's never actually done it before she got her certification last week" Jason says and i think it over for a second before nodding agreeing to let her and she cheers and gets the gun it hurt like hell I'm still cussing as I went and looked in the mirror then I went to see how the boys tattoos look and Keaton's looks awesome

"Bro thats frickin sick" I tell him and he smile his sweet smile you know the one that makes people just want to hug him I then went to look at Wes and Drews whos looked sweet

"man all of y'all are freakin awesome!" I say causing everyone to smile and we pay them and we went to the beach to just chill for a bit it was already 5 so we decided to get food at Anna's dinner cause we really didn't get to eat yesterday and she smiled as we walked in

"Hey Hon how are you feeling?" she asks as she sees us walk in even though she's taking an order this causes us and the Nelsons the family she's talking to to laugh

"Fine and no I didn't ride today we walked" I said answering the question she was going to ask next

"Hi Mickey how are you sweetie your getting so big" I say talking to the Nelson's daughter she's 7 and a sweet heart

"I'm good your new tattoos and belly button thingy is soo pretty" she said and I smile and hug her

"did you hear the news babe?" I ask her and she shakes her head no

"Emblem4ever made it on x factor" I tell her and she smiles as do her parents and brother

"congratulations guys" her mom says and hugs us and she does the same her brother and dad hi five us I kiss her head and then we go to our regular table

"Did y'all really make it?" Anna asks and we nod

"we were going to tell you yesterday but then the whole thing happened and yeah" Wes said and she nodded understanding

"well congratulations guys that's awesome I know you'll do great anyways the usual?" she asked we laughed and nodded she opened this place just over 3 years ago and since then we have sat at this table and ordered our usual which is strawberry lemonade cheese sticks and a tofu burger for me Sprite hot wings and a bacon burger for Keaton chocolate shake sampler and a chicken wrap for Wes Dr Pepper jalapeno poppers and a turkey burger for Drew and chips and caso (no meat) a chocolate eruption and cookie monster for us to share oh and we get cheese fries as our sides cause their awesome the boys get them with bacon we eat a lot don't judge us anyways we eat here a lot cause it's good and Ma set up a running tab here for us every month she puts in $200 for us and Anna's fine with it cause we've been loyal customers since she opened and like I said before she's like another mom to me within 10 minutes she's back with our appetizers

"I put extra on your plate hon your to thin and I want that plate empty when I get back that goes for all of you" she tell us like always the first time I met her she gave me a double tofu burger cause "I'm too thin" I'm pretty sure she's the one that convinced the boys I'm too small and I need meat but she'll never admit it she also useto accidentally slip me regular burgers but I could always tell the difference the tofu ones aren't as greasy I use to tell her it was fine I didn't need the extra food that she never charges us for but I learned its easier just to accept it and listen to her because if we don't she calls Ma and tells her I'm not eating which results in Ma making me a huge salad and pasta thing and making me sit in the kitchen till it's gone it took me two hours last time and even now the smell of tomato sause makes me sick to my stomach which sucks cause I use to love spaghetti now I only eat tomato sause on pizza and in mexican rice Anne knows this and doesn't bring marinara sause to the table anymore and there's never any ketchup either cause the last time I got really sick when I smell it now even the guys know not to eat it around me which I'm grateful for I hate getting sick we all finishing me and Drew eating off each others plates Keaton doing the same to Wes who keeps trying to hit his hand away making me and Drew laugh then Anna comes with our food which we all practically inhale and last the desserts they are amazing the chocolate eruption is a mini chocolate cake with the center simi hollowed out stuffed with vanilla ice cream topped with hot fudge and a cookie monster is a huge fresh baked chocolate chip cookie toped with vanilla ice cream whip cream chocolate fudge and nuts with 4 cherries we smiled and dug in happily and when we finished we were stuffed literally like so much so that I felt like I couldn't walk all the way home so when we were half way home I jumped on Keats back and held on like a spider monkey but I started to fall asleep and my arms started to loosen and then I felt Wes pull me into his arms I was already almost completely out I didn't even open my eyes I knew it was Wes though cause it smelt like him they all smell different even though thats a weird thought it's true Wes always smells slightly of coffee I guess cause he drinks so much and also like cinnamon Keaton always smells like fruit most of the time its mangos or pomegranates but sometimes its also yogurt and candy Drew always smells like outside but not in a bad way in he smells like pine and beach and water and sunscreen all different but familiar their smells make me feel safe they make me feel at home I fall asleep easily in his arms though I'm in pain not only my neck but also my new tattoos which are probably killing the boys too I don't even know how Ma and Brooke are going to react considering they never act well when we do stupid things like this there going to flip when they see the piercing its just a normal belly button ring and the balls are purple I guess I fall asleep

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