Chapter 29

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the next few days past in a blur it was wake up eat practice eat practice eat shower sleep it was pretty hectic I only got to see Angel like once that whole time and same with Liam and the guys we were busy and before we know it we're back stage in hair and make up the lady assigned to me was really pissing me off but I'm not quite sure if that was on purpose or not it started off with the make-up I have flawless skin so I don't normally ware anything other then eyeliner and mascara and she disagreed saying I needed a ton of eye shadow which I out right refused and ended up settling on foundation nude simmering eye shadow mascara and eyeliner and we moved on to hair which I wouldn't let her touch she wanted to make it big and dramatic and tease it which I am strongly against because it damages it your hair more than heat and we argued about it for like 20 mins before she gave up and said do whatever and she'd get my outfit so Drew came and put it in corn rolls at the front and then let it fall down my back strait with loose curls and the last straw was when the girl came back with a beautiful blue ball gown that I loved but wouldn't ever wear and we had less than an hour to get ready

"Can I just have the boy’s stylist please?!? I mean your obviously good the other girls all look amazing but this is not me I can't pull off a freakin ball gown I'm just ganna go raid the guys cloths and find something alright?" I tell her and she huffs and goes away and I head to the boy's dressing room which in all honesty could have turned out bad considering all the boys were getting dressed there but it wasn't because most we're already ready it took forever to find cloths though cause they we're all mixed up but lucky for me I knew what I wanted to look like I finally found jeans that fit me well enough to wear even if it is with a belt sagging is normal and a shirt that was probably for a 13 year old boy that was just plain navy blue it was super tight on my chest and loose over my stomach though so I ripped the neck line open a bit and it gave me room and used it as an over the shoulder loose shirt with my bright blue under shirt and Keaton's checked blue and black vans I came out honesty 10 minutes before we had to be on stage and I thought I looked alright which really is all that matters and when I looked at the guys I had to laugh we were wearing basically our own versions of my outfit but different color and we were all backstage waiting to be called on and when we finally are I am terrified

"Ok BeBe it's just us nobody else were just goofing off in the garage if you get to nervous just look at us ok were family we love we don't judge ok BeBe try to stay calm" Drew says like he did before our first audition I hug him along with the other two and they all kiss my head and I take a deep breath as we walked out of the doors at the top of the stage after Simon introduced us and our thing plays which surprisingly shows my stylist problem and me asking for the boys stylist and walking away but not showing my hair after it clearly shows one of the boys taking over the hair and then we sing for our lives


[we start at top of stage smoke all around us go down stairs when music stats]

Take me as I am my friends

Ain't gon' change, won't be no end

Write these songs, rock these shows

Only good life want to I know


[wes center stage everyone else random throughout stage interacting with crowd]

I was just a kid when I heard the Slim Shady LP

Yeah, Ma had it on when she was ironin', irony

Gettin' out the wrinkles, just a little kid in school

Sink my teeth in anythin' to think I'm cool, ridin' the bus

I feel the rush from, I still don't give a fuck

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