chapter 20

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When Drew woke me up the next morning I was in tears he gave me my pill and then looked at me worried but I just brushed it off and went to get ready I put on my baby blue bikini with faded blue jean shorts and a croped red spaghetti strap tank top and changed the ball on my belly ring back to silver and had Drew put sun screen on me I put water proof eyeliner and mascara on and had no clue what todo with my hair

"Drew can you help me with my hair?" I asked and he came in with a smile and took my hair out of the braids and brushed it out and then he pulled it into a high ponytail which I never wear then wrapped a piece of my hair from the bottom around the ponytail holder and then tucked it under the holder again and then brushed it out and my hair still hit my upper back yet surprisingly I've never worn it like this when we went back to the room the boys were putting sunblock on and Drew did to they had swim trunks on and tank tops I grabed my purse with my credit and debt cards cause I'm not going to learn a new money system we put on our skate shoes grabed our boards and took off down the road to find some place to get food and like Simon said we ran into One Direction but it isn't running into them if they seem to be following you anyways we went to breakfast or lunch (not quite sure) with them

"So y'all are the new group Si is so excited about?" Zayn asked

"guess so" Wes said with a smirk

"So y'all are the group that are in every girls dreams?" I ask and they start coughing shocked that I said that making me and my brothers laugh hard

"So when you say every girl are you including yourself" Harry askes trying to make me blush probably the thing he doesn't seem to realize is that Drew and Wes are my brothers it takes a lot to make me blush

"Maybe" I say and wink at Liam causeing him to blush and then they ask about us we tell them the whole thing about being adopted by Ma and about Angel which shocks them

"How can you have a kid and still be that-" Louis started but the Keaton cut him off

"Don't say the s word she hates that word" Keaton said and Louis looked confused

"ok um tiny" he said and I forced a smile

"Keaton means skinny I'm self consious about my weight I only weigh 95lbs but it's like impossible for me to gain weight trust me I've tried people look at me like I'm bulimic or anorexia so it makes me uncomfortable when people call me skinny or when a lot of people watch me eat I'm a vegetarian but I do eat a lot and with my size people always think the worst" I say and they nod understanding

"So tell us about Angel" Liam says changing the subject making me smile I pull out my phone happily and pull up a picture of her and show them Liam smiles

"She's adorable love" he says making me happy she might like him and I think he likes her

"yeah she's a handful some the times though but what four year old isn't" I say and they all laugh

"I bet when my little sister was little she was a handful drove everyone insane" Louis said nodding

"so what do you all do for fun?" Liam asks

"we sing skate surf and sleep" Wes says and they nods and we go walk at the beach and me and Liam split from the rest of them

"So did Simon tell you about him wanting to set us up?" he asked and I laughed

"No I guessed it" I answered and he looked shocked

"on Saturday Angel asked me if I was going to date the boy from One Direction and asked if he's going to be her new daddy she's been right about a lot of things lately and when talking to Simon was talking to us last night it popped in my head" I said and he nodded

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