chapter 8

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"hey Drew can we go back to that tattoo place tomorrow?" I asked and a smile came on his face

"what do you want now?" Keaton asked interested and so was Wes

"well Keats keep an open mind I was thinking a group tattoos thing" I say and grab a marker from the up on the counter and motion for somebody's left arm Wes gave me his arm and I pulled the cap off with my teeth and start writing 'I AM AN EMBLEM' the first three words across the top of fore arm and Emblem going down then I got a black gel pin and wrote that out Drew Wesley Keaton Vividiana Angel Ma and Brook and then I opened his shirt and grabbed the marker again and wrote

'families are not aways blood

good families love and never judge

true families are there when you need

them most but also when you don't

we might not all be related by blood

but I have all of the above' on his lower left side of his stomach next to his belly button and they looked at me in shock I took pictures of both to show to our tattoo guys tomorrow

"it's perfect it fits all of us both of them do" Drew says and I smile nodding

"wait is this your way of letting me get my first tattoos?" Keaton asked and I nodded causing him to smile and hug softly still conscious of the bruises even though he was excited

"Yeah I got about a thousand saved up we can use that to pay for them" I said and we all nod in agreement and then head to the garage to practice Angel is sitting on the floor of the garage with colors and her coloring books and those huge head phones that block noise out cause the music is really loud

"so how are we going to do this are we just going to freestyle it or pick a song and practice it and with or without instruments" Keaton asked and honestly he is probably the most serious when it comes to music but that's cause the other two are more girl crazy then him at the moment I have a feeling that's going to change soon and I have Angel to keep an eye on

"lets start with instruments and go from there" I said and they nodded we all play the basics like guitar drums piano and bass guitar but I also play flute violin and tambourine though that instrument is useless most of the time and the boys play many others also but I never remember who plays what so I won't go into that anyways Keat goes to piano Wes on drums I grab my guitar and Drew gets bass and we play BFFF by bowling for soup

"dude that was weird it was like I knew the words" Wes said and Drew nodded agreeing as me and Keaton laughed

"what?" they asked

"thats cause you do know it bone heads you use to hear it all the time it's bfff by bowling for soup you know the only song that would calm Angel down when she was little and it put Be to sleep when she was pregnant" Keaton said and there eyes got wide understanding and then I got something

"shit guys I need a pen and pad now hurry plz" I say and Drew grabs one off the piano and a pencil for me mechanical I hate wood pencils with a pation


'I've done more in just 18 years then you've done in you life


I didn't know when I was little what this would be like

but I would lay in bed at night

and dream about just this

I didn't wanna be a princess like other girls my age

princesses are told how they must behave


I didn't like to follow rules so president was out

I though maybe football till I saw what it's about

every career had rules I wanted to ignore

I mean making rules is awsome

but reading thems a bore


I needed a plan

but how to choose

Kathren said to be a doctor

she said what do I have to loose

but being a doctor requires 6 more years of school


than I saw him on T.V.

I said that's what I want to do

he didn't have to watch his language

and he said what he wanted to


that's when I desided I wanted to sing or rap but couldn't find my voice or the music it could bring

so I prayed each night

god help find what I'm suppose to do

if my calling isn't music lead me where I'm needed

6 years and an Angel later

I was led to you'


'We were looking for that something new to push us forward

praying every night to lead it to our door we weren't expecting a barley teenage girl

with a baby on the way

she turnd us down the first few times theres was to much on her plate

but her baby grew older and she took a chance at what was once her dream she was finally a rock star

but what does all this mean'


'it means dream big

shoot for the moon

it don't matter if you miss

cause we love the stars to

ours lives are crazy stupid

but wonderfully perfect too

and we don't care

that's why we sing cause we don't care

if its a one time thing


if it is and I wake up tomorrow still 13 and on the streets


I will cherish every thing

this dream gave me'

I wrote and plucked it on the guitar and they all fell in with at different parts and Wes and Drew switched instruments so Wes could read with we ran threw it

"if were still in on our birthday week we sing this" wes said and I nodded happily and pull out my phone calender to see what date that would be and laugh when I see it fits perfectly the day after my birthday and the day before his my first full day being 18 and his last we figure out the other parts when we were done I looked up and Angel was sound asleep making all of us laugh Wes picked her up and we went in to get some food before bed Brooke was making grilled cheeses so we all ate that

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