chapter 7

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"ok I know this is completely beside the point and it don't really matter but I'm NOT Keaton I'm Wesley!" Wes randomly yells causing everyone in the room other than Sasha to laugh most of the cops knew us I mean 4 skaters one with a kid of course they knew us we useto be called down for everything a few years ago and still get called down regularly though we have never had more then a fine

"ok Be what happened this time?" officer Mia asked

"she came up started flirting with Wes I snorted she got pissed started called me an orphan I lied and said drew said something funny she said to shut up cause Keats was going to ask her out then she threatened me and Angel called Angel a future slut and said we both should get hit by a car I was pissed nobody talks about Angel she's baby and she only 4 how can someone call a 4 year old a future slut it's horrible I wanted to hit her so bad but Anna gave me the look you know the one a mom gives telling you to go calm down so I nodded at her and headed towards the bathroom but Sasha grabed my hair and pulled me back then slamed me hard against the table and laughed I thought she was going to snap my neack so I turned and punched her as hard as I could I'm not the strongest person and I'm tiny compared to her if I didn't punch her she could have easily snapped my neck then she said I was going to jail I said its self defense she said nobody would believe a slut over her I noticed the security camera and pointed it out she started bawling the guys were trying to help me clean up all this blood lucky I didn't get any on my clothes and then you showed up" I said and she nodded and sent me out

"ok your story checks out hon Drew is your legal guardian now correct?" she asks and I nod when Ma ain't around Drew is considered my legal guardian according to the state of California because Ma doesn't live with us all the time and Wes is Keaton's

"ok well do you want to press charges? you will most likely have to see her in court if you do" she said and Drew nodded my face was killing me and my arm

"yes of course I would also like to file a request for a restraining order she threatened not only my sister but my niece as well and I don't want her near any of my family ever" Wes said butting in like he always does and the rest of us nod along with him and Sashas sobs get louder as she's put in the police car and they put me in an ambulance so I can go to the hospital to get checked out and the bill would go to Sasha's parents so all three of them come with me and they call Brooke and Ma on the way Brooke of course couldn't get off work but said to keep her updated Ma on the other hand was frantic and I could hear her screaming and knew she was running red lights to get to the hospital and will probably be there before us and I was right when I got there she was screaming at people asking if I was ok what happened how did it happen and of course who was involved

"according to her your kids and Anna Miss Sasha Fields was bullying your daughter and said some hurtful things about your granddaughter Anna motioned for her to go calm down and Sasha grabbed her by the hair and pulled her back then slammed her face into the table if she would have hit it a bit harder your daughter would be paralyzed or dead after this your daughter punched her in the face dislocating her jaw your daughter has a minor concussion so no skating for a week she has severely bruised tissue in her neck a dislocated nose and a dislocated shoulder possibly from the punch" officer Mia and a nurse told Ma and I groaned in pain she deserves everything she gets she did nerve damage to my neck and that could have paralyzed me lucky for me it didn't

"ok Vividiana look at Wes on your left side and squeeze his hand this will hurt" the nurse said I glared at her shuttering at the name and they strapped me down and I was holding Wes' hand tight already knowing what to expect hello skater I have dislocated my shoulders and have had the guys pop them back for me more then once I didn't even flinch cause I knew it had to happen or it will only get worse the doctor looked at me shocked and worried

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