chapter 26

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"oh before I forget Angel's birthday is on the 22 this year which is thanksgiving sadly so you'll want to be with your families but we are celebrating it on the 24 which is a Saturday at Disney Land she doesn't know that yet though it's a surprise she thinks we're just going to have thanksgiving and a few presents on her birthday you guys are invited to both of course cause she loves y'all but we understand if your busy even you Liam cause I didn't give you much notice I mean it's less then a month and thanksgiving weekend" I said and they laughed

"of course we'll be here I mean we love her and you do know thanksgiving is an American holiday right?" Harry said and I laughed

"yes I seem to keep forgetting that" I say and they laugh

"so what do people do for thanksgiving?" Niall asked and I smiled

"oh Niall I have a feeling you will like this holiday basically the night before the whole family stays at the house with the biggest kitchen and at like 4 am the women wake up and start cooking Turkey Ham stuffing vegetables potatoes broccoli rice casserole and all kinds of other foods and desserts to where the whole kitchen is filled with food at 8am kids wake up to watch the parades on T.V. at 11 men wake up and watch American Football on TV in the bowls we go for Dallas Cowboys and for college Texas Longhorns and at 3:30 we all gather in the kitchen go in a circle and say the thing we are most grateful for this year then we pray for our food get plates and pretty much eat all day in the TV room watching football and just spending time together then at 5 we bring out the gifts and cake sing happy birthday to Angel and just chill out and eat" I say and Niall looks at me shocked

"Why did nobody tell me in America there is a holiday where you stuff your face I would have moved here years ago" he said and I laughed

"That is probably why nobody told you oh and everyone except Angel and Ma these past few years has ended up majorly drunk" I said and they laugh because none of us are really old enough to drink

"so have y'all thought about what you’re going to sing next week for American made" Liam asked and I rolled my eyes

"Um maybe something like Jay-Z's New York or no as I em just because we can pull that off and it will be great" I say and they all look at me weird

"Sorry I think best out loud" I say and my phone goes off its Wes so I put it on speaker

"For American made do you think" Wes says (as I em)

"Yeah yeah and with a bit of" I say (changes)

"But not" I say (too many)

"Yeah you got it?" he asks

"yeah it's ganna be epic bro were heading to Simon's meet us there tell everyone" I say and hang up and everyone looks at me weird but that's just how me and Wes are we can just know that the other is saying without having to finish saying it drives people crazy but it's simply us anyways Louis drives to Simon's and his driving is pretty horrible cause he's freaking out so I tell him to let me drive and we are like 5 minutes away when we get pulled over the boys are freaking out and they don't even know I don't have a license when they get to the window though I sigh in relief it's Officer Mia

"Vividiana I so could have called that man you are great on x factor honey and you know how much of a fit the rest of the town went into when you died girl it was crazy anyways who let you drive?" she said and I smiled

"good to see you to Mia thanks I bet, Ma called us freaking out of and Louis did cause they’re from the UK and you know they drive backwards their we almost hit two cars cause he kept getting in the wrong lane you know they don't even make foreign people take driving tests before they give them cars it's dangerous" I said and Louis glared at me and Mia saw him and shook her head

"Fine you can drive but be careful if they are killed in a wreak do you know how many suicidal teenage girls we will be dealing with" she said and I laughed with her

"Thanks Mia I owe you 1" I say and she shakes her head

"girl you owe me like 50 just get your license and tell your brothers to also the younger ones do you know how many times I pull the three of you over a year without even fileing paperwork careful ok" she says and lets us go

"You don't have your license?!?" the boys yell as soon as she’s out of view

"no I've failed um 3 times I think" I say as we pull up to Simon's house and everyone is there already so I go and find the room I'm sharing with the boys which is amazing and I loved it then we all pretty much just chilled till like 8 before Ma Steve and Brooke took Angel and left cause she needs sleep and stuff and everyone started going to their rooms and eventually it was just me my brothers and one direction

"Ok so what do you want us to get Angel for her birthday?" Zayn asked and I looked at them weird

"it doesn't matter just whatever you would like if you were her age she's in a tomboy stage right now which means she loves cars and playing outside and that kind of stuff she likes Legos video games obsessed with Angry Birds and any kind of Disney movies her favorite colors are Dark Purple Red or Dark Blue she loves American Football Basketball Baseball or just about any sport" I tell them and they all smile nodding

"Ok this is going to be interesting normally we are given a list or something to buy stuff off of" Liam said and I laugh

"I don't believe in that because that isn't from you that would be something I bought but made you pay for" I said and they nodded happily

"Oh I was going to ask can we take Angel to the Zoo tomorrow please." Liam asks and I nod and give him Brooke's number so he can talk to her about picking Angel up

"If she asks up get after her wither that be putting her in time out or whatever hopefully she won't be a problem but if she is tell her to behave if she doesn't listen call me or Wesley ok" I say and he nods

"Ok is she a picky eater or anything?" he asks

"she eats what is put on her plate just make sure she eats some kind of vegetables with whatever you feed her and no French fries and ketchup aren't considered vegetables in our house and real food before all the sugary things I'm sure you all will get her oh and make sure she drinks plenty of water ok and please keep her safe I'm trusting the 5 of you with my world guard her with your lives please" I say and they nod understanding then they have to leave and me and the guy’s head up to our room

"Ok so spill what did you do today?" I ask them all sitting on my bed looking at the three of them

"Not much me and Brooke just chilled at the beach all day pretty much just talked I don't remember the last time I just talked to her it was cool" Wes said and I nodded he doesn't normally spend a lot of time alone with her the other two are closer to her and Wes is like my twin

"Bell and I just hung out at the diner and talked she's definitely ganna become one of my best friends" Keaton said and we all laughed happily

"I just chilled with Viv and the kids we went for ice-cream I invited them over for thanksgiving and Angels birthday because nobody should be alone on thanksgiving they don't have family here Andrea said her and Jade will make their mom's apple pecan pie and we just talked it was nice" he said and I smiled understanding and they all looked at me

"Angel had Liam and the boys kidnap me you don't understand how much I was freaking out and then Louis said lets go to the toy store and since Angels birthday is so soon I said no and Angel started whining and I got after her the boys finely look at me as a mom and then we put headphones on Angel and talked about her birthday and thanksgiving because they didn't know what it is but they are excited oh and I drove half way here cause Louis' driving was irritating me and I was stopped but it was Officer Mia so we're good" I said and they nodded then went to change and get ready for bed 

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