He makes me flutters

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Sung Jaein POV

I took a day off today from all of the works that I've been doing ever since I've back in Seoul. Luckily dad gave me two days off to rearranged the press conference with Nayeon noona about our upcoming engagement ceremony next week. The press involved the famous broadcasting station, SBS, KBS, MBC and JTBC. My fans are going wild after hearing the shocking news. Actually, I've been popular these years because I've been composing some songs for my friends, BTS. We're actually close before making those things. I'm in the same school as Rap Monter or Kim Namjoon in States. We've known since forever. I also have been making covers of famous songs such as Adele's Hello, Shawn Mendes's Stitches, but more to Korean songs. So, I'm quite popular as a YouTube artist. After several calls from the broadcast station, I went out for lunch with Tiffany noona and her fiancé, Nickhun hyung. They're going to get married in two months as they've been engaged for a long time.

"Annyeong! Poor my baby boy, sitting here all alone. Where's your fiancé to be?" Tiffany noona jokes.

"Yah! Aniya! She's busy. Even busy than me. I don't want to troubled her. Do you want to stand there bullying me all day long, noona?"

"Yeobo, I'm hungry. Right, Jay? We'll just eat together and let her do the nagging by herself." Nickhun hyung commented.

" Well, seems you to has make alliance together, right? Then, I'll make one with Nayeon later." She keeps talking as the two of us had already start digging in.

I've always close to Nickhun hyung as my brother had passed away 3 years ago. He treated me well as his own dongsaeng. We'll always talk behind Tiffany noona's back. Then, I got a message from Nayeon noona.

From : Nayeon Noona

Where are you, kiddo? My mom have been asking about our outfit for the press. Can we meet, like right now? I'm at 'S' Mall. ;)

To : Nayeon Noona

I'm at 'S' Mall too, with Khunfany Couple. We're having lunch now. Come and join us. We're at Starbucks. 

From : Nayeon Noona

It's okay. I've eaten just now. I'll wait for you upstairs. BTW, could please buy Frappuchino for me? T_T

To : Nayeon Noona

Okay! All for you.  I'll be there in 10 minutes.

I went upstairs with a cup of Frappuchino in my hand. Suddenly, I felt a finger tapping me on the back. I looked back, it was Nayeon noona. She was so beautiful. She's wearing black formal dress with black stiletto along with her white handbag.

"Annyeong! Thanks for this." She casually took the cup and linked her arms with mine. I smile and greet her. "Annyeong.. Yeah, of course. So, where are going now?" I tossed my other hand to the air pointing in many directions. "Well, I'm going to spend all of your money today!" She let out her big laugh that sounded awful. But that doesn't make me lowered her splendid beautifulness.

"I've just got my pocket money from dad yesterday. Otteoke, noona? Hahaha. Of course I'll pay for them." I said playfully. " I'm gonna buy the most expensive one, okay?" she said. "Yah! Wae? It is not for the wedding yet." I say while pouting. "How dare you? You have to bear with me for about one hour or more." She replied. " My line, I suppose, noona? Okay. Let's go."

Im Nayeon POV

After a lot of arguments, we finally arrive at the bridal shop. Jaein patiently wait for me picking out the dress as I'm very picky. He just stay put. He looked more matured while crossing his hands while walking behind me as I was busy choosing the dress. He doesn't even pouting right now. I kept wondering how patience is he.

"This one looks fine with you, noona. It makes you stands out more." He commented on the dress that I finally picked. When I was with Yoongi, he doesn't even want to accompany me for shopping. He's always with his excuse. But with Jaein, I felt more appreciated, comforted and safe. I choose the dress that suit Jaein's liking. He looks satisfied as he walks to me after seeing me fitting the dress. He casually went to the cashier to pay for it.

"Happy with the dress, dear?" he commented while smiling towards me. His angelic smile melts me even more. I couldn't thank him more. "Yes, of course. Thanks for accompanied me and paid for it." "Thanks to you to. I've know a lot about your likings today. Hahaha I think I should buy one for me. All of my clothes seems not suitable for the conference. Shall we?"

We entered his family tailor shop. He carefully look out for me as we step in as there was a bump on the floor. He reached out my hand as we walked in. He then greeted the tailor and went to the shirt section. He asked to be measured by the tailor to make his custom made white shirt. He even choose the material himself. Wow, look at him. He's different from before. He seems very charming the way he ordered his tailor. He then asked for my preference. He's perfect the way he looks. I just say yes. He then walked to the tie section with me and asked me to choose for him. I take a lot of time to choose. In the end, we ended out with black formal tie. With the white shirt, the black tie, and black coat, he went for fitting as I waited outside.

"Tadaa! How do I look, noona?" he said happily.

"Wow, are you the same guy before? I think I've lost him somewhere." I said to him. He started pouting. And then I walked towards him and hold his collar and try to fix his tie knot. He was red as pepper. Me too. I was blushing with my own action. He looks so manly in that black suit as he smiled back to me. He then went to the fitting room to change his clothes. We then went out from that store and went downstairs to look for our couple rings.

Sung Jaein POV

I felt my fingers linked to someone, of course it was hers. I heart was pounding extremely. What is this feeling, I suppose? Her warms hand attached to me as we walked down and I saw a bunch of unwanted reporters then. They're busy taking our pictures and then I came back to my sense and I thought of Nayeon noona's action when she linked her hand with me. That was the cause. I shouldn't let my hopes went so high. She's already had a boyfriend right? I'm just her "fiancé". The one she never had feeling with. She seems a bit uncomfortable at first as she had never been followed around with cameras. As for me, it was nothing compared to what I've been encountered in States. Those paparazzi were every nook and cranny. I quickly wrapped her around with my other hand as the other one was occupied with our shopping bags. The crowds were getting wild as they started to walk very close to us. I'm quite afraid as they might hurt both of us, so I asked some help from bodyguards instead.

Im Nayeon POV

I felt something wrapped around my waist, it was him. His quick action had saved me from falling towards the crowd as we were forced to walk quickly by his bodyguards. He was all smiling as we run away. I might have tripped over myself while we were dashing out from the crowd. We finally arrived at the jewellery store downstairs. I couldn't hide my happy face as we entered the store.

"Noona, neomu choahaeyo? I can tell by looking at your sparkling eyes." He said.

"Of course! It's been so long since I've been here. I'm also getting busier these days." I explained.

"Busy with me, right?" he joked.

"Well, taking care of you have been so hard for me. Go back to your mom." I said as I expecting his answer.

"Really? You've been taking care of me secretly? Wow, noona! Quite impressive!" he caught me.

"Well, you're kinda brother to me, right?" I quickly responded.

"Okay, suit yourself, noona. This stuff is beyond my league. But you have to pick out one for me too. Mom have been asking me about it."

"Yes, kiddo. Now, if you don't mind, I want to stuff myself with diamonds."

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