Chapter 5

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I woke up to Jace and Cori bouncing on my bed.

"Ok you guys are gonna get me in trouble with Laverna and her minions." I sad sitting up in bed.

"That's why we're here. They aren't home! They went to get ready for Summer Fest! So we are here to help you!" Jace said handing me a Fiber One bar.

"I can't go. Laverna saw us yesterday and she told me if I leave I won't ever be out of chores to do." I said covering my head with a pillow.

"Well honey meet your fairy godmothers." Cori said helping me out of bed. "You can leave as long as your home before they are. They always stay till the end so you have to be home at midnight."

"And if they see me?" I asked.

"They won't know it's you. Remember it's a masquerade." Jace said pulling my mask out of my bathroom.

"Come on Mer! We might meet true love tonight." Cori said sitting me down to do my hair.

Cori curled my hair for what felt like forever. After she finished that she did my makeup. She put some blue eyeshadow on with black eyeliner. After the makeup was done she painted my nails a deep blue color.

"Jace get out!" Cori said removing my dress from the hanger. After Jace left Cori helped me get my dress on and helped with accessories. I had silver dangly earrings that matched my bracelet. The bracelet had little blue beads that tied into the dress. I looked into the mirror to see how I looked. I was startled as a necklace was clasped around my neck.

"It's beautiful Cori." I said admiring the necklace with a diamond M on it. "You look amazing!" I said noticing Cori.

Jace walked back in awestruck. "You guys look amazing!"

"Not to bad yourself!" I said. Jace had changed into a tux with a tie and superhero mask.

"Milady your carriage awaits!" Jace said escorting me down the stairs. My family had left an hour before so I didn't have to hide anything. It wasn't much of a carriage. Just Jace's car. We drove for a while just looking for a parking spot. I was watching as so many people walked by. There was no way I was gonna meet someone tonight. I was going to be worrying about Laverna finding me.

"Merideth?" Cori said standing in front of me.

"Oh sorry just day dreaming." I said stepping out of the car. We slid our masks on our face and started to walk to the party. I set an alarm on my iPod for midnight so I would be home before my family. I clipped the iPod on my shoe so I would always have it.

"Merideth everyone is staring at you." Jace said taking my arm.

"No they are staring at Cori." I said nervously trying not to trip down the stairs.

"Cori is already at the bottom." Jace said as we reached the bottom.

Once we got to the bottom a tall blonde boy walked over to me and my friends.

"Would you like to dance?" He said extending his hand to me.

"Sure." I said taking his hand. He led me to the middle of the dance floor as a slow song began to play. He was dressed in a tux but instead of a normal tux jacket he had a Warbler jacket on. He spun me around the dance floor with no ease.

"You look stunning." He said spinning me again.

"Thank you." I said as I faced him again.

"I feel like we have met before." He said studying my face.

"Well do you go to the community college?" I asked starting small.

"No but I'm in a band." He said proudly.

"What band?" I asked being spun again.

"R5. I play bass." He stated.

This was Riker Lynch. Vanessa's celebrity crush. If she found out I was doing this I would be dead.

"My sisters love that band." I said hoping he would change the subject.

"Yea we met a lot of fans at a meet and greet we did a few days ago. It was cool until I was trying to sneak away when I hit my head against some girl." He said.

"It was you?" I asked.

"Wait your the one I hit my head against?" He asked laughing.

"I guess we know where we know eachother from." I laughed.

After we danced for what felt like minutes I heard a little beeping coming from under my dress.

"Oh no." I said looking down.

"What is it? Are you ok?" Riker asked looking concerned.

"I have to go." I said running away looking for Jace and Cori. I found Jace by the front door and Cori in the bathroom.

"We have to go!" I said running out. I heard Riker calling for me to wait but I couldn't. As we ran out I felt my iPod come off my shoe. I almost ran back to get it but I couldn't. We got back in the car and drove off. My only hope now is we get back in time.

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