Chapter 6

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Riker POV|

Who was that girl? She was stunning and she didn't care who I was.

"Dude come on we gotta go!" My younger brother Rocky said snatching my attention from the door that girl left from. I held her iPod in my hand. It was a little one that had no screen. How do I find her? I'm Riker Lynch! I can do anything. I hope.

"Hey Rocky did you know that girl?" I asked. Maybe he knew her from somewhere.

"Na man I wouldn't know she had a mask on." Rocky responded.

"Now everyone I am proud to announce R5!" I heard the announcer say as we walked on stage. There were to normal screams and everyone rushed to the stage. Everyone except that girl.

"Hey guys before we start, did anyone lose an iPod?" I asked hoping the girl had come back to find it.

"Dude even if she was here how would you know it was her?" Ross whispered in my ear. The truth was there was an "M" written on the back.

I continued. "If it is yours I need you to go back to our merch trailer and write your name down and how I can contact you!" I finished and started playing Loud. I hope I find her.

Merideth's POV|

Jace, Cori, and I ran up to my room. I immediately slipped out of my dress and put pajamas on. Then I ran to the bathroom and took my jewelry off and handed it to Cori. She put it back in the box and put it on a shelf in my closet with the mask and shoes. I took off my makeup and put my hair in a messy bun. We put my dress in a garment bag and hung it in the back of my closet.

"There home!" Jace said running in.

"Thank you for tonight!" I said hugging each if my friends and led them to secret stairs I had in my room.

"MERIDETH?!" I heard Laverna tell from downstairs.

"Yes?" I said running down the stairs.

"The house looks good. Just make sure it looks better next time." She said looking around. I noticed my nails and shoved my hands in my pocket.

"I'm going to go to bed. I will be up tomorrow for breakfast." I said running upstairs before Laverna could protest.

As I laid in bed I went over my day. I danced with Riker Lynch. He called me stunning and didn't care I was a maid for my stepmother. Oh my god Merideth stop. Your falling in love with a rockstar.

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