Chapter 11

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Merideth's POV|

"We need to talk." The voice on the other end said.

"Who is this because it isn't Jace." I said getting mad.

"It Riker. Please listen to me." He pleaded.

"Why should I?" I snapped.

"Because you believe in second chances."

"Only when people deserve them and frankly I don't think you do." I said hanging up. He had nerve calling me. He called me a liar, stood me up, now he wants to talk? He hurt me. I don't want him to know it but I fell in love that night. When he called me a liar it was like I was punched in the stomach. My phone buzzed and I thought it was Riker again but I looked down. It was a text from Jace.

"Give him a chance again. He is truly sorry. I wouldn't have let him call you if I didn't believe him."

I turned my phone off and fell asleep for a few hours. When I woke up I walked into the kitchen to find a smoke alarm going off. The kitchen was filled with smoke. I looked on the counter and saw someone had purposely caused the fire and left a note saying my stepfamily had gone out for dinner. the fire had spread into the living room and it was getting hard to breath. I tried to put the fire out but it was to big and by now the the fire was in the foyer blocking the only door out. I went to the living room through another entryway and picked up a chair and threw it at the window shattering the glass. I worked to my window but collapsed.

"MERIDETH!" I heard a male voice scream from outside. I felt strong arms pick me up and carry me out. I heard sirens and men yelling. Then I heard a female crying. I was placed on a bed and then I blacked out. before I was completely out I felt a strong hand hold mine.

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