Chapter 8

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Merideth's POV|

When I woke up I noticed my computer lit up so I went to turn it off. I decided to check my email and I had a message.

"Ok I will meet you tomorrow at the community college at 1:30. I remember you telling me you were a student so you should know where it is. - Riker"

Wow. He actually answered. It was 12:52am so I went downstairs to find some food. As I got down the stairs I noticed the TV on. I walked through the living room to find Laverna passed out with food all around her. I covered he with a blanket while she slept. I went in to the kitchen to find a mess. I sighed and started cleaning. I rinsed plates and stacked them in the cabinet. I put the pans in the drainer after they were rinsed and I put the silverware in the dishwasher. When I finished that it was about 1:24am. I grabbed a quick bowl of cereal and went upstairs to get some sleep.

That night I had a dream that I hadn't had in a long time. I was in my house and it was peaceful. My dad and I were sitting on the bed while he read me a story. All of a sudden there was shaking I looked at my dad and he quickly pulled me under a door frame. When he made sure I was safe he left to go find Laverna. I heard screaming. I woke up covered in sweat. I knew what happened next. He didn't come back. That how my dad died. In the earthquake of 2001. I was 6 years old. I sat and cried for a while and cried until I fell asleep.

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