Hold Up Hoe!!!

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Hunni.... Imma get back to the lake Geneva series later, but as of right now imma switch it up. So we are now at the home of Sabrina, she is putting together a fruit, cheese, and wine platter for Keisha and herself. They haven't been seeing eye to eye for a while now over a money related issue. Let's just say Sabrina modeled for Keisha, Keisha didn't pay that coin to Sabrina, big blow out happens, and now they are coming together for the final show down. Let's see what happens when you mix friends and business.

Sabrina's P.O.V.

Well Hunni this is the last time I work with Keisha, cuz that hoe don't like to pay coin. She lucky it was tax time and I got my refund check or else I would have most likely beat her ass! (Breathes deeply) but it's cool I done invited this heffa to my damn house now so I have to go through with this conversation I guess. (Rolls eyes). Well let me finish before this bit......(door bell rings)..............DAMN THE HOE IS HERE! (Mockingly throws up).

Sabrina walks to the door, opens it, and says......

S: mm bitch (under her breath).

K: Excuse me?

S:(Through gritted teeth) Oh I said come on in Hunni!

Keisha walks in to the house. Sabrina rolls her eyes.

K: You have a lovely home sweetie.

They have a seat in the living room on Sabrina's new $50,000 mink fur chairs in front of the coffee table where there spread the fruit, cheese, and wine platter.

S: Ok, let's cut all the fake shit. We need to put this all on the table, deal with it and get this taken care of and out of the way.

K:Ok, fine let's get this done and over with. You're mad because you didn't get yo damn check when you thought you should have, when I clearly told you I was not in the position to pay yet.

S: Hold the hell up, how in the blue hell did you not have the money to pay me when the pieces that I modeled for your fashion show each costing over $15000 sold at a constant rate? I'll be damned if you tell me they didn't sell because I seen damn near 35 "Ke Ke by Keisha" bags going out those doors that night. So if I do my damn math right that's about .......mm.... $525,000 that you made that night at least!

K: Girl, ok, first off yes I did sell a lot that night yes I sold over $1,000,000 of clothes, and yes I had other people to pay on that evening!

S: Ok so after you payed those people how much money did have left?

K: About $790,000.


K: Ok, first off you are not that good of a got damn model for your rate to be that fuckin high in price.......hell it should be more like $500 bitch! (Screaming at Sabrina)

Sabrina picks up her wine glass and throws all the wine on Keisha! They start fighting and Sabrina gets Keisha in a chokehold and yells...


K: (Barely able to breathe) Yes just let me go and I'll write your check!

S: Cool! (Sabrina let's go) write it and get the hell out of my house!

Keisha writes out a $50,000 check, lays it down on the coffee table, and runs out of Sabrina's house. Quick, Fast, and in a Hurry. Sabrina picks up the check and says...

S: Mm all this bullshit and ass whooping would have all been avoided if that hoe had have gave me my damn money in the first place Hunni! Now I got Muscato all on my damn mink chair, I'll be damned if I work with her dumb ass again........I'm Finna go shopping with this hoes money!

Well hunti I hope you enjoyed it. Next time we will be going on the actual trip to lake Geneva but as of tonight peace love and all that good stuff! Byyyyyeeee!

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