Chapter One

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Three Years Later

Life had changed crazily for Louis Tomlinson in the past four years, but it was all for the better. He had the best boyfriend and the most perfect daughter. Olivia Blue was now three, her personality and light filled the room. She was perfect and Louis didn't know what he had done to deserve her and Harry.

Life kind of was hectic. Louis woke up at 5:30 every morning to shave his face and then shower. It was a Friday morning, Harry had been gone since Monday and would come home that night. Just in time for his twenty-eighth birthday, which Harry most likely forgot. Louis was looking forward to be relaxing with Harry and Olivia this weekend. It was also the end of his work week as well, teaching year three was tiresome but he sincerely loved it.

Louis finished his shower, changing into his khaki pants, those uncomfortable and ugly brown loafers he seemed to never get rid of, and a purple polo shirt. It was his typical work attire.

It was 6 when he reached the kitchen. Winnie was moaning for her meal, which Louis poured immediately. Louis' cooking skills had no improved since dating Harry Styles, but he was able to make scrambled eggs with cheese without burning it up. That's what Olivia liked to have for breakfast, along with a piece of raisin toast and a bowl of cut-up strawberries and bananas.

She was a good, healthy eater, like her daddy. Louis brewed himself some coffee before wielding a knife. He washed and cut-up all the strawberries followed by the banana. He placed a piece of toast down afterwards. As the pan heated up for scrambled eggs, Louis heard a door click open.

"Papa!" Olivia called.

Louis lowered the heat on the stove and peaked into the hallway. Olivia was standing there in a pair of Minnie Mouse pajamas, her legs bent inwards. Her white blonde curls wild due to bed head and eyes heavy with sleep.

"What's wrong, nugget?"

"There's no toilet paper!" she exclaimed. "I have to potty really bad."

"Let me grab some. Go potty, I'll get it," Louis told his daughter. She ran into the bathroom, throwing the door closed. The father went in search for toilet paper, it was in the linen closet, on the top shelf. He grabbed a roll and cracked open the bathroom door. Olivia snatched it from his hand and tried to close the door on his hand.

Louis laughed and walked back down into the hallway. Winnie was curled up on the counter, full from her breakfast. Louis scratched her head and then rose the heat back up on the stovetop. By the time Olivia was done in the bathroom, the eggs were done. Louis scooped up the eggs onto a plate and then buttered a piece of toast. He grabbed a fork and placed it on the breakfast bar.

"Papa, what time is Daddy coming home?" Olivia asked as she shoveled eggs into her mouth.

"Chew with your mouth closed, please," chastised Louis. He poured his daughter a glass of milk and handed her it along with her bowl of fruit. "Daddy said last night he was going to try to be home by three, so he could pick us up."

"Will it change? Then Nan has to come pick us up like last time?" Olivia questioned.

That happened once a few months prior. Harry had gotten held up in something and couldn't make it back by three. Louis didn't bring his car, so they had to have Anne pick them up. It hadn't happened before, or after that, but it stuck in Olivia's mind ever since.

"If it changes, love, then it changes. Daddy has a job and sometimes things run longer. It's not a big deal." Louis told her.

"Uncle Li is picking us up?" she asked, changing the subject.

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