Chapter Twenty-One

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Harry had just tucked in Olivia, who crashed from her sugar rush. Everyone had just left. Once they heard that Louis wasn't feeling too hot, they left. Harry was grateful that their family and friends. But when Louis suddenly entered the room with his eyes wide, Harry knew something was wrong.

Harry immediately asked, "What's wrong?"

"I think... My water broke," Louis said.

"What?!" Harry said, looking down at his fiancé's pajama pants that were soaked.

No, no. This was too soon. Louis was only thirty-one weeks along. The babies weren't fully developed until at least week thirty-six. He grabbed Louis' arm and dragged him into the bedroom.

"Do we go to the hospital?" Louis asked, his hand on his belly as he sat down on the bed.

"I have no clue... Are you having contractions?" Harry questioned, pacing the floor.

"No," answered Louis. "But I think we need to go before I have one. They're too early, Haz. What if-"

"Stop," Harry said, before Louis slipped into that dark place of the unknown. They had to be positive right now. "I'm going to have Mum come here to watch Olivia and you get your stuff together. Okay?"

"Alright," Louis said, nodding his head as he stood up. He had just started putting little things in his hospital bag the past week. But Harry wished it was already all together.

Harry stepped out of the room and dialed his mum. She answered, her tone cheery and happy, "Hello. Miss me already, love?"

"Louis' water broke. Can you come and watch Olivia?" Harry asked, his heart racing as he started to panic.

"What?! He's not even eight months along yet!"

"I know, Mum... Please, hurry. I need to get him to the hospital."

"I'll be there in a few minutes," Anne said, hanging up. Harry called up Jay, she needed to be informed as well.

Jay answered with a peppy tone, "Harry! Hello, how are you?"

"I'm doing alright. Louis' water broke."

"What?" Jay said, her tone shocked. "Get him to the hospital! I'm on my way!" And then she hung up. Harry smiled, once again he was grateful for his family, before rushing back into the bedroom.

Louis was bent over the bend as he groaned in pain, duffle bag at his side. Harry went into high alert. Contraction, fuck. He rushed over to his side, grabbing his hand. He whispered, "Deep breaths, love. We're working through it together, alright?"

Louis followed Harry's breathing instruction as he breathed through his first contraction. When the contraction was done, Harry helped him roll onto his back and Louis said, breathing heavily, "Well, those suck."

"Yeah, they do," Harry said, laughing humorlessly. "Mum's coming in a few to watch Olivia and your mum is on her way."

"Thank you." Louis said, his breath slowing a bit. "The bag is packed. I just needed my clothes and I already got the babies supplies together, but I'm ready to go. I just want to say goodbye to Olivia."

Harry zipped up the duffle bag and they walked into Olivia's room. Louis squatted down and kissed the sleeping girl's head. He said, "I love you, nugget. I love you so much."

There was a knock and Harry went over, opening it to see his mum. She was a cross of anxious and excited. She said, "Hi. Does Olivia know you guys are leaving?"

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