Chapter Eight

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HARRY // MAY 2020
Six Weeks

It was now May. The boys had the most busy six weeks ever. They had moved out of the flat two weeks ago, and were settling into their new home. Harry had gone back to working Monday through Friday in London, no longer taking week breaks here and there. He was currently working with a new band and was scheduled to write with Cher Lloyd at the end of the week.

But Harry had taken off a few days, because they were going to find out if they were going to be parents or not. If Louis was, he would have a few days to enjoy the news. If Louis wasn't, he would have a few days to comfort his fiancé.

However, Harry was excited to see if they were pregnant. He had a good feeling about it. Mainly because their appointment was Monday afternoon and Louis started puking on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday morning. They knew it wasn't the flu or food poisoning, Louis only throw up once or twice in the morning and then felt a lot better.

Then, Monday morning, the day of their appointment, came and Louis throw up once again. So, Harry ran to the shop in just his pajamas for some pregnancy tests. He couldn't wait until four that afternoon to find out. He did wish he was this excited to buy tests when he was pregnant.

Harry returned with several different brands, all promising to be the best. There was a total of about twenty tests, but Harry was so excited. Louis was in their master bathroom, brushing his teeth, and his eyes widened when he saw the mass of pregnancy tests fall before him.

"We don't need that many tests, Haz... Oh my... One would've been sufficient," Louis said, laughing as he dug through the bag.

"Did you call in sick to work?" Harry asked, starting to open up a few tests.

"Yeah, I feel like utter crap. If I am pregnant, I'm suing for false advertisement. I thought it was supposed to be all radiating skin and rainbows. Not spending my mornings in a porcelain toilet bowl," Louis complained, running his hand over his belly.

"Take the test, babe. Let's see if there's a baby in there," Harry said, poking Louis' belly with about four tests.

"I don't have that much pee in me for four tests! Wake up Olivia while I'm doing this. She needs to get ready for school," Louis demanded. He pushed Harry out of the bathroom. As much as Harry wanted to be in there, he knew that he needed to tend to his daughter.

Harry walked into the room and Olivia was already up, playing with her toys. She looked up and smiled, "Morning!"

"Morning, babydoll," Harry said, kneeling down beside her. He smiled at her and said, "Papa's sick, so I'm going to get you ready for school."

"Sick?" Olivia said, her eyes filling with tears. Nice one, Harry chastised.

"Oh no, baby. He's going to be fine, he's staying home so he can feel better." Harry promised her. He went to her closet and grabbed her clothes with the help of Olivia. Today she was wearing her little jumper dress and black shiny shoes. She looked adorable.

"Can I watch TV?" Olivia asked, smiling sweetly. Harry knew she was using her cute face to watch TV, it was her new tactic recently.

"Sure, love," Harry agreed anyways. He wanted to check on Louis anyways. Olivia ran into the living room while Harry knocked on the bathroom door.

Louis opened the door, face expressionless. There was all four tests sitting on the countertop. Harry glanced from them to Louis and said, "Well?"

"Look for yourself," Louis said, sitting down on the lip of the bathtub.

Harry was scared, so scared. He didn't want them to be negative. A total 180-degree change from the last time he saw four pregnancy tests.


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