Chapter Six

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Louis woke up the next morning with a headache, but he didn't care. He was engaged. Something he had secretly wanted for years, but had suppressed. However that didn't matter now, he had a beautiful ring on his finger that made up for all those years of an empty finger. Harry was snoozing away, it was too early to be awake on a Sunday. But Louis had to do his daily injection.

He had been dreading them recently, just because the headache side effect afterward. He knew they were for a good reason, something that would reward him for all this suffering. A baby. He entered the bathroom, making sure he locked the door.

He grabbed the medicine from underneath the counter, prepping it before he lowered his boxers slightly and pulled up his jersey. He hated needles, now more than ever. He hated filling that fucker with the medicine he needed. He sanitized the area, pinching the bruised skin and then pushed the needle in.

The boy hissed in discomfort and he pushed down on the syringe, feeling the heat of the medicine rush through his bloodstream. He pulled out the needle, disconnecting the pointy end from the syringe and placing it in the garbage bag. He placed a bandage over the two droplets of blood seeping through the skin and then fixed his pajamas.

He headed back to bed after relieving himself. He snuggled against his fiancé, Louis knew he was going to love saying that from now on, and gazed down at his ring, smiling at beauty.

Harry woke him around nine-thirty, telling him that it was time for breakfast. Louis groaned, his headache throbbing slightly behind his slightly. It was enough to drive him insane. He just had fourteen injections left. He could get through it. He was determined to.

He pulled on a pair of sweatpants and slippers and shuffled into the kitchen. Olivia was already dressed for the day, in a pair of blue jeans and white and pink polka dot sweater. Her wild, white-blonde curls pulled up into high pigtails. She smiled at her father, showing her pearly whites and exposing a little gap in the bottom jaw.

Louis gasped, throbbing in his head forgotten, and said, "Did someone lose their first tooth?"

Olivia nodded, giggling excitedly. She pulled her itty-bitty tooth that was wrapped up in a tissue from her pocket. Louis looked at it and smiled, "Well, someone is going to get a visit from the tooth fairy tonight."

"That's what Daddy said! I'll have moneys, Papa?" Olivia asked.

"Yes, nugget. All your baby teeth will come out one by one, and new big girl teeth will come in. You'll get money for each one," Louis informed her, handing back her tooth which she promptly tucked away in her pocket again.

She looked over at Harry, which Louis just noticed he was dressed for the day as well, with wide eyes and said, "You didn't tell me that part, Daddy! I'm going to have so much moneys. I'll be rich."

"Yes, sweet girl," Harry said, leaning over the countertop and kissing her cheek. "You'll be the richest girl in Doncaster."

"Are we doing something today?" Louis asked as he went over to the kettle and poured the hot water into a mug.

"I thought we could go visit Gemma and the baby, my mum is there this morning. Then go to London," Harry said as Louis dunked his teabag into the water.

"London?" Louis asked, raising an eyebrow. "You have to be there tomorrow, why would we go today?"

"Well, you two have the week off," Harry stated, reminding Louis of that fact. The schools in the area were closed down for a week for budgeting reasons. Louis didn't mind it, it gave him some time to relax. "So I thought we could go there for a few days, you see your mum and I'll be done by Wednesday, Thursday the latest. It'll be like a little vacation."

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