Chapter Two **

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{ A/N: the asterisk indicates that there will be a smutty scene within this chapter — ENJOY! }

Harry was sleeping soundly in his bed, not his stupid London flat bed. It wasn't the same, maybe because the sheets smelt like Louis. He was exhausted, he doesn't sleep well when he's away from home. Something made him slightly wake up, he wanted to go back into his slumber. He reached out for Louis, but only felt a pillow. Where did he go?

With a groan, Harry flipped onto his back and opened his eyes. Louis was gone, just leaving Harry with Winnie who was sleeping on the foot of the bed. He looked at the clock and it was seven in the morning. Harry closed his eyes, maybe his boyfriend was in the bathroom. The bedroom door creaked open and he heard Olivia's little giggle followed by Louis shh'ing her.

There was a little dip in the bed and a weight on Harry's chest. He smelt Olivia's child shampoo and smiled. He opened his eyes, his daughter was resting her head on his chest and she was staring at him. The moment he opened his eyes, she screamed, "Happy Birthday, Daddy!"

"Love, shh," Louis said, laughing. Harry sat up, grabbing the four year old and kissing her on the face. He looked over at Louis and he had a tray in his hands. Harry moved Olivia off his lap and Louis placed it on the cleared area. He leaned into Harry, his blue eyes sparkling and beautiful. Harry wished their baby's eyes had those ocean blue eyes. Louis whispered, "Happy Birthday."

Harry captured his lips, kissing him deep. They only pulled apart because Olivia started to whine out a long, "EW!"

"You should be happy that I love Papa so much, babydoll." Harry said, jokingly. The birthday boy then looked down at his food, which was pancakes and bacon, Louis' pancakes hadn't approved over the years, but thanked his family then ate his meal. It was good, and Olivia ate most of it.

"What are we doing for your birthday, Daddy? Are we going to have a party?" Olivia asked, syrup all over her chin. Harry wiped it off with his napkin.

"No, baby. Maybe we can call Nan and Auntie Gem and see if they want to do anything with us," Harry told his daughter, then glancing up at his boyfriend.

"Do you want me to call them?" Louis asked.

Harry nodded and the small boy rolled his eyes. Louis first put the tray back into the kitchen before he grabbed Harry's phone, punching in the passcode. He placed the phone call on speaker and sat down on Harry's lap. He had to hold back his groan, it had been a little while since Louis and Harry had sex.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" Harry's mum yelled through the phone speaker.

"Thank you, Mum. I'm now deaf, thank you."

"Don't be a smartarse!" Anne laughed. Olivia gasped and her eyes widened. She knew her Nan said something back. His mum continued on, "Any plans?"

"That's why I'm calling. Do you want to do lunch with Gem and Michal?" Harry asked.

"Sure, love. Anything you want to do, it's your day. Just tell me when and where. How's my Louis and Olivia?" She asked. Harry truly believed his mum loved Louis and Olivia more than him.

"Hi Nan!" Olivia said, coming close to the phone.

"Hi, lovebug! How are you, darling?"

"I'm good. Daddy's old now," she answered, playing with a fray in the blanket. Harry's mouth dropped open and he glanced at Louis. Louis was biting back a smile.

i'll make this feel like home - book two ✔️Where stories live. Discover now