Chapter Ten

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HARRY // MAY 2020
Seven Weeks

Louis had just walked out of the front door of their house with a bag of clothes. Harry had never felt so lost and sad in his life before. He had the ring in his one hand, it felt heavy as a reminder that Louis no longer wanted to be engaged. In his other hand, the ultrasound photo. Their twins. Would Louis cease from Harry's life again? Would he ever see his babies?

Harry went into their bedroom, placing both things on Louis' bedside table. He went into the bathroom and scrubbed his face with ice cold water, hoping this was all a nightmare. It wasn't. He was willing to forgive Louis for his hurtful comments, he was upset and angry. He didn't really mean it, Harry knew that.

But he couldn't leave work right now. Things were picking up, getting ready for the fall release cycle. If Harry left now, he wouldn't profit as much as he could. He wouldn't be able to stay home after the babies were born. He just needed until August. After August, he would assist Louis for whatever he needed.

"Daddy?" asked Olivia from the doorway to the bathroom. "Where Papa?"

Harry turned off the water, grabbing the towel to dry off his face. He murmured, softly, "Papa's visiting with Uncle Niall and Auntie Jade."

"Oh. We go to Nan's soon?" Olivia continued to question.

"Of course, babydoll. We'll leave in a few hours. Want lunch?"

Harry made his daughter lunch, trying to get over this heartache. Was his job really going to end his relationship? If it was, he would quit tomorrow. When did it become an issue? Harry was aware that Louis wanted him home more, but he didn't know he felt so passionately about it. Harry wished Louis talked about it more, or maybe he did but Harry never processed it. God, he felt stupid and heartbroken.

Harry and Olivia went to Anne's around four. Gemma, Michal, and Sophie were there as well. Olivia went over to Gemma, chatting away. Anne immediately pulled Harry to the side and asked, "What's wrong? Where's Louis?"

"I-I..." Harry said, not sure how to say it. He didn't want it to become real. He wanted this to be a nightmare, so badly. "Louis and I broke up this morning."

"What?" Anne asked, absolutely flabbergasted. "Why? What happened?"

"Well, we got in an argument last night..." Harry started, his eyes filling with tears for millionth time that day. "It progressed into this morning. I was ready to move pass it and Louis was all in his head about it. I didn't.. I didn't think that I was going to end up like this. God, Mum... I don't know what to do. I love him so much... I can't lose him, not again. We never fight like this, never this bad."

"You need to apologize then," Anne said, softly. "Whatever he's upset about, you need to try to resolve. Don't let him push you away."

"He's pregnant, Mum," Harry told her. Her eyes lit up and then filled with tears. "We're expecting twins."

"Twins? Oh, Harry," Anne cried, pulling her son into a hug. "That's wonderful, so wonderful."

"That's another reason why I can't lose him," Harry murmured into his mum's ear.

"Apologize and resolve," Anne reminded him.

"Alright," Harry agreed.

Harry told Gemma and Michal the news about the babies and told them, when Olivia was out of the room, what happened with Louis. Gemma told him to do the same thing his mum had said.

So that's what harry was going to do. He was going to talk to his label and manager, tonight when they got home, and he was going to work out some sort of deal with them. He couldn't lose Louis or their peas.

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