Chapter Three

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It was Thursday morning and it was the day of their appointment at the fertility clinic. Harry was buzzing that they were able to get in so early, and he couldn't wait to pick up Louis from work. It was weird being home without Louis or Olivia. He decided to meet up with Jesy and Ryder to fill up his time until he had to pick-up his family, and also catch up. They were going to meet up at the Busy Bean, the cafe Zayn owns.

On his way there, he got a call from Ed. He was trying to avoid him, he didn't really want to talk about work or anything like that while he was home. But he had been screening his calls for a few days, so he answered, "Hello?"

"Finally, Harry. I've been trying to get ahold of you for days now. Your manager has as well, you could've answered one of us," Ed said, sighing.

"Sorry, man. It's my week off, I don't get many of them. What's up?"

"Just letting you know that you're off the hook for the additional songs. I got you off the hook, you want to have a family and I'm not going to stop you." Ed informed him. Harry felt a weight lift off of him, he was so worried about telling Louis that he was going to have to add another month to this project.

"Thank you, mate," Harry sighed in relief. "You have no idea how much that means to me. How much that means for Louis and Olivia."

"Don't mention it. The additional songs will be shit without you, but it's okay," Ed joked. Harry laughed, he knew what Ed meant. They had worked well together in the past, all Ed's most popular songs were co-written with Harry.

"They'll be just fine," Harry said, as he parked at the Busy Bean. "Hey, Ed, I have to go now. I'll see you on Monday, mate."

"Enjoy the rest of your time off," Ed said before hanging up. Harry entered the cafe with a large smile on his face. Jesy was already in line, Ryder on her hip. Harry came up to her, hugging her and the baby tightly.

"Unc' Haz!" Ryder cried out in excitement, his arms out to grab Harry. Harry smiled down at him, lifting him into his arms and kissing him on the cheek.

"Hey handsome," Harry told the baby before turning to his best friend, "Hi gorgeous."

"That's the best welcome you've ever given me in years," Jesy said, sassily. "Today is the day you go to the appointment, right?"

"Yes," Harry said, smiling brightly. "I'm hoping they say something like, 'oh there's no issue' or 'you're already pregnant'."

"You're so desperate for this baby, huh?" Jesy asked, laughing as they stepped up in the line.

"I am. I just want to have a family with him, and this is the first step."

"It's going to happen. When are you going to put a ring on it though?"

Harry looked at her, with a sly expression. His perception of marriage had changed throughout the four years of being in a loving relationship. Harry shrugged, "I have a ring. I bought it for his birthday last year, but I chickened out. I'm second-guessing if that's the ring for him."

They were next in line, but Jesy was beaming with excitement. Zayn greeted them, he was beaming as well. Everyone was just so happy today, Harry loved it. He said, "Hey, guys. What would you like today?"

"Z!" Ryder exclaimed in Harry's arms.

Zayn laughed and leaned across the counter, poking the toddler's cheek. He said, "Hey, buddy. Do you want a cookie?"

Ryder looked at Jesy, his eyes wide. He asked, "Cookie?"

"Sure, love," Jesy allowed. Zayn handed Ryder a cookie then took their order. They moved over to the pickup counter where Gigi and Eleanor worked busily.

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