Chapter Twenty-Two

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The twins were now a day old. Louis couldn't believe that they were practically healthy, besides the oxygen. He had pumped a bunch of bottles during the night for the nurses in the NICU, so they could have his breast milk.

In the morning, Jesy came into the room while Harry, who was curled up on the uncomfortable couch again,with a smile.

"Congrats," she murmured softly. "I can't believe the two days I have off, you give birth. I wanted to be there for the birth, like Olivia."

"Right?" Louis asked, laughed humorlessly.

"You feeling okay? Do you need anything?" she asked, grabbing the blood pressure machine to start taking his vitals.

"I feel tired, but I don't want to sleep... I pumped six bottles," Louis told his friend as she wrapped the cuff around his arm.

"Well, you're going to need a nice hearty breakfast. You're still feeding those two lives and you need to eat." Jesy said, as the cuff begun to squeeze the living hell out of his arm. "Your blood pressure is good."

"When can I go up to see them?" Louis asked. He craved to see them, to feel their bare skin on his. Without them with him, he felt like they didn't exist. Like he didn't exist.

"After you eat, okay?" Jesy said. "I know it has to be hard to be away from them, but you have to take care of yourself."

"I know," Louis nodded.

"How's Harry been?" Jesy asked, exchanging his blanket with a new, warm blanket.

Louis looked over at the sleeping Harry and whispered, "He's been so good to me, Jes. The past two weeks and half weeks... Him staying here with me, he's been beyond everything."

"Harry's the best," Jesy murmured. Her hand smoothed down the side of Louis' face and said, "I'm going to finish my rounds. Get some sleep and I'll bring you your breakfast right after."

Louis followed instruction. He was beyond tired, between giving birth and pumping. He slept soundly until Harry woke him with a kiss on the forehead. Louis groaned but opened his eyes.

"Jesy brought by your breakfast," Harry informed, helping Louis sit up.

"I'm starving." Louis ate everything on his tray, not even caring that it tasted gross.

"Our parents are here with Olivia. Want me to send them in before we go up to see the babies?" Harry asked.

"Yes," Louis said, sipping his orange juice.

His fiancé exited the room and a few moments later, Anne, Desmond, Jay, and Olivia came in. Olivia ran toward Louis, her little body tucking next Louis'. The father smiled, pressing a kiss to her head.

"Missed you, Papa," Olivia said. Louis knew it was hard for her, not having her parents home with her for almost three weeks. He missed her. So much.

"I missed you too. I'll be home soon," Louis told her.

"Let me see pictures," Jay said.

Harry took out his phone and showed the new grandparents pictures of their two new grandchildren. Anne teared up, Des smiled proudly, and Jay cried.

When they showed Olivia, she squinted and asked, "What in they noses?"

"That's air, babydoll," Harry explained. "So, they can breath."

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