Chapter Nineteen

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Twenty-Six Weeks

Louis was content. He was wrapped warmly in the arms of the man who loved him. It was just after four in the morning when Louis woke to use the restroom. He did his business, washed his hands, and started to head back to bed. That's when he heard the text tone on Harry's phone.

He went over to see if it was someone important. It was Jason, Harry's business partner that he hadn't met yet. Harry had his messages notifications blocked on his lock screen, so it just stated that it was a picture message.

Louis was curious of what it was and thought it wouldn't hurt to see what it was. He typed in the passcode, which was 1-2-2-4, and the picture popped up. At first, he couldn't tell exactly what it was. So he tapped for the full picture.

Harry's face. Eyes closed. Mouth wrapped around a stranger, Jason's, penis. A caption that read, "Miss these sugar lips". Revolting. Absolute revulsion hurled through Louis' body.

Disgust. Betrayal. Anger. It pulsated through his veins. He felt like he was going to vomit. He felt like he was going to murder Harry. He felt like he wanted the Earth below him to swallow him up whole. Because Harry had cheated on him. Holy fuck, Louis thought as a sob grabbed at his throat. He couldn't believe it.

How many times did this happen? How many times did Harry come home and kiss him on the mouth after he sucked off another man? Was this the reason why they had just had sex for the first time in almost two months? He was already satisfied elsewhere, he didn't need Louis. Louis' hands shook with anger and loss. He never felt this before. This utter... betrayal before.

The noises and sobs coming from Louis must've woken up Harry. Louis heard him rustle in the sheets and ask gingerly, "Louis, what's wrong?"

Louis whirled around and threw Harry's phone at him, yelling, "This!" It landed by his knee and Harry picked up the phone. Louis walked around the bed to his side and grabbed his pregnancy book, twins edition. He gripped it so hard that he started to fear his fingers would break.

Harry's eyes widened at the picture and lifted after a moment of looking at the picture. There was no remorse or regret. It only fueled Louis, fueled his anger.

"Lou-" Harry begun, but Louis snapped internally. He threw the book at Harry. It nearly hit him, knocking over the lamp on the bedside table. Harry got out of the bed, raising his hands, "Stop it!"

"No!" Louis yelled, his voice shook and he didn't know if he had the strength to finish. He was heartbroken, completely broken in two. "You fucking cheat! How could you do this to me? To our family? Fuck you!"

Before Harry could sweet talk him, he left the room. He needed to be out of there. God, Louis thought as he paced the halls. How could Harry destroy their family? How could Louis bring two babies into this world that he shared with a cheater?

God. He was going to have children with someone who cheated on him. How could they ever have be able to push pass this for their children? Louis couldn't think straight. He was devastated. He couldn't breathe as the walls around him almost felt like they were suffocating him. He needed out of here.

He went into Olivia's room and decided that he was taking her. He grabbed a piece of paper on her drawing table and wrote, "Fuck. You."

Louis pulled Olivia from her bed, taking her sheets with her. Louis grabbed his keys from the entryway and a pair of shoes and left the home he had built with a cheat.

Louis drove around, Olivia sound asleep in the back. What were they going to do? Where were they going to go? Louis held back his sobs, he felt so lost. He found himself in front of Liam and Zayn's. He hated to wake them up at four-thirty in the morning, but they had nowhere to go.

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